
Sigyn Silica
Anyway Does anyone have any suggestions for a title of a book about a transgender ghost from the 1870's by the name of Charlotte who is Nine Years Old and Very Judgemental whose whole purpose in afterlife is to antagonize a transgender teenager from Seattle into living his best life vicariously for her since she never got to?
Sigyn Silica
Sigyn Silica
y'all remember back in the day like in the 1800s when ppl would come down with a mysterious illness and the doctor would diagnose them with Melancholy and prescribe at least two months out in a beach house or maybe a country manor and they'd have to sit around doing nothing but having a great time without stress, doctor's orders?yeah that would fix me
Sigyn Silica
uh hey everyone you remember how we were all saying Go Vote Everyone Whose Legal You Gotta?welluhBrian-Kun's at the courthouse rnand the line wraps around the building three timesthree times y'allelection day is tomorrowI guess they listened but I'm scaredI was gonna vote tomorrow but these lines are gonna take forever
Sigyn Silica
Sigyn Silica
Happy Halloween btwor Blessed Samhainor Gläd Ventrnatrwhichever you prefer
Sigyn Silica
y'all I'm gonna make Hamentashen for Ventrnatr and they're gonna be ✨strawberry flavored✨
Sigyn Silica
you guys wanna see the big spider I found in the baby area of the pool?
Sigyn Silica
Anyway everyone always talks about classical music like it's boring and stuffy but Beethoven has a song named Rage Over A Lost Penny which sounds like anger management issues for six full minutes
Sigyn Silica
interesting...? we were supposed to be being interesting???...oh
Sigyn Silica
eating my burger outside so I can get that Wendy Windy experience
Sigyn Silica
Keep forgetting Bach's son's first name was Carl.my man was an intern for OWCA T-T
Sigyn Silica
Mango's convinced me to get back on Duolingoshe's probably being held at knifepoint by that dratted owl to get me to come back but whatever
Sigyn Silica
my m/m: All of my children are Heterosexual. And Neurotypical. me, at the ripe young age of six: lining up my colored pencils so that they are in perfect order of the spectrum of lightmy bedroom floor: covered in neat little rainbowsmy m/m:my m/m: okay Barium might be autistic
Sigyn Silica
I'm tired of the English language having the same word for "like" as in platonically and "like" as in romantically and "like" as in objectivelybring back fancying ppland reveling in thingsyou like your friends, you don't need to like anything else
Sigyn Silica
thinking about the time I heard my friend pronounce "Jotunheim" with a hard J and nearly exploded my head trying not to correct himJoe-tunfrom Joe-tunheim
Sigyn Silica
who would win in a fight?choose your fighter
Sigyn Silica
I've had a vision for this one scene in Some Fanfic where Loki's all curled up in bed and Thor gives him head scritches like a lil kitty bc my man is ✨physically affectionate✨ and Loki wakes up like ????? what was that????and so Thor gives him scritches under his chin and he says "you're my pet cat now"
Sigyn Silica
my new cloak came in the mailnow I have not one but two cloaksone of which is on loan to my friend and the other of which has fur in the hood and is s o f t
Sigyn Silica
swearing but not neg
Sigyn Silica
punishing my freezer by eating one thing out of it for every half hour it still hasn't gotten around to freezing my last gogurt
Sigyn Silica
just so y'all knowif you're ever renting a space like a pool as a random nondescript example and you want the staff to like youfeed thembring enough food for the staff to eat and share with themThe speed with which angry tired and cranky teenagers flip from grumbling about cleaning up after your mess to singing your praises is phenomenal
Sigyn Silica
as a lifeguard I have the Most respect for Characters who can perform unresponsive rescueswithout a tubelike dang how do you stay up with both you and another full grown person who is Not Helping YouBucky is the Best Lifeguard and I refuse to believe otherwise
Sigyn Silica
I haveone empty testosterone bottleand it isteensy tinyit's like only an inch highso I'm gonna scrub the label off and fill it with colored water so it looks like a lil potion bottle and then once I have four or five I'll hang them from my chains and wear them on my hip or on a sash like a bandelier
Sigyn Silica
I call it Landvaetr
Sigyn Silica
Vivaldi my belovedlikeomg y'all I love Vivaldi
Sigyn Silica
Sigyn Silica
the other day I was having a really good day and cooking in kitchen so I was likethis is gonna sound weird but I was stimming by saying "ooohoohoo yes oh yes" and doing changmentsmy downstairs neighbors probably hate me XDbut the point of this Plurk is that my niece saw me doing that and now she will walk up to me and say "oh yes?" to ask me to jump
Sigyn Silica
"I use they/them for everyone!"- person who only uses they/them for visibly trans ppl
Sigyn Silica
just so you know as someone who has done Loki cosplay it is really important to practice that cosplay or your horns will bump into Every Single Doorwayyou'll think the issue is the heightit's notit's how long your face is nowyou can't get as close to objects as you used to or you will ram them like a goatkisses are out of the question