Sigyn Silica
Anyway Does anyone have any suggestions for a title of a book about a transgender ghost from the 1870's by the name of Charlotte who is Nine Years Old and Very Judgemental whose whole purpose in afterlife is to antagonize a transgender teenager from Seattle into living his best life vicariously for her since she never got to?
I do not, no
Sigyn Silica
aw shoot . _.)
"The Tale of the Transgender Ghost, and The Teen They Haunt"/j
Sigyn Silica
aha giving everything away all at once
a brilliant strategy
"Spooking in Seattle" would be funny
Sigyn Silica
oh I love that but they're not in Seattle
Sigyn Silica
they're in Atlanta
Ah dang I assumed since you mentioned the kid was from Seattle that meant they were in Seattle
Sigyn Silica
no unfortunately not he's from Seattle but he has been cast out and forsaken
Aw darn ;-;
Sigyn Silica
yes this story is indeed a tragedy . _.)
I know you're probably not looking for jokes,but
Spooking in Satlanta /j
Sigyn Silica
pffffft omg XD yes that's the one