
Sigyn Silica
Sigyn Silica
Just so y'all know, autism isn't just uwu cutesy I Don't Know How To Socializeit's also poor fine motor skills leading to messy drinking and eatingit's also my face feeling like it's rotting if I'm in public for too long bc even if I'm not masking I'm hyper-aware of the muscles in my face if I know someone perceives me and that leads to bone-deep fatigue
Sigyn Silica
Ppl (my mom) be like oH eDeN iDk wHy yOu LiKe hOrRoR MeDiA iT's sO sCaRy wHy wOuLd yOu iNtEnTiOnALly mAkE yOuRseLf uNcoMfOrtAbLeArt is intended to evoke an emotional responsefear is an emotionart that can evoke fear, discomfort, revulsion, or horror from meis art that is doing its job and doing it well
Sigyn Silica
pros of socks: warm toes, slippy on the floor, can have cute creatures or patterns on them, makes wearing shoes 150% more tolerablecons of socks: Have To Touch You To Be Worn
Sigyn Silica
Sometimes the light has to be off for your brain to focus on how Amazing a song isthat's just the way it is
Sigyn Silica
Miles was right Sunflower by Post Malone hits hard
Sigyn Silica
Not to brag but uhI have three armadillo stuffies 😏 of varying sizes and styles 😏 and a pillow with five little tumbling armadillos on it that says "this is how I roll" 😏 you guys must be so intensely jealous of me
Sigyn Silica
New Year New Me[turns inside out to reveal I am sewn to have a reverse version of myself that is just Me, in a different color, with an angry face]
Sigyn Silica
We joke about aroace characters being immune to sirens but depending on the siren they would not be. if it's the kind of siren who shapeshifts into the person your heart longs for most, aroace characters are where things get interesting
Sigyn Silica
The thing about Inverno (from Vivaldi's le quarte saisons) is that it perfectly encapsulates every emotion I have for winter
Sigyn Silica
broke: criticizing a fantasy author for putting champagne in a world without France or making them say goodbye in a world without Christianity or smth bc they weren't aware of the origins of All Things Everwoke: coming up with an elaborate theory both on why they have the thing and why they call it that that adds to the world building of the story for them
Sigyn Silica
Y'all what do you think was the most important lesson you learned this year?
Sigyn Silica
Happy Hanukkah to those who observenot necessarily to those who observe Hanukkah in particularjust folks who observe stuff in general
Sigyn Silica
my s!st3r Duck sent me a story idea andGuys I replied without thinking h e l p why did my brain do this
Sigyn Silica
Glad Yuletide!!!!!Even if the coldest days are still to come, our darkest days are behind us 💜
Sigyn Silica
goodnight y'alllove you 💜💜💜💜💜
Sigyn Silica
guys do you wanna magically be good at smth?life hack: do itjust woke up this morning and realized I'm way better at ballet than I was six months ago bc guess whatI've been doing itthe more you do it the better you'll be at it
Sigyn Silica
unfortunately I do have to get up on time tomorrow so while I could talk about the ballet more I really ought to sleepgoodnight my friendsI love you all so much
Sigyn Silica
Here is your friendly reminder that pineapples, while very acidic, also act as a natural anti-inflamatantWhich means if you have menstrual cramps, drinking pineapple juice will help your body move past the pain
Sigyn Silica
guys life is so goodif you want you can be a pretty boy in a skirt
Sigyn Silica
I just saw a sign that said "GRANGER FOOD MARKET" but all the lights on the letters were out except for the word "ANGER"
Sigyn Silica
Guys I've figured it out
Sigyn Silica
I can't get over how good a movie Finding Nemo is
Sigyn Silica
goodnight everyone! I love you all 💜 It's very late so I'm not creative but you do mean worlds to me 💜💜💜
Sigyn Silica
Riddle me this BatmanWhy is it called Rush Hour if none of the cars are moving????
Sigyn Silica
okay guys I just sewed up my backpack strap that was coming undoneI did it in green thread to make a pretty little vine like this what color should I make the pretty little flowers?
Sigyn Silica
things that happened today- kid got rescued coming down a slide and then went down the slide again without needing to be rescued and looked So Proud of himself- somebody pooped in the pool and my coworker Owen said he'd also poop in the pool if it meant they close the pool for the day. big -_- face to Owen
Sigyn Silica
Sigyn Silica
gonna take a page from Lake's book and start saying goodnight to you allSoGoodnight! I love you all and you're such treasures to me 💜
Sigyn Silica