Sigyn Silica
punishing my freezer by eating one thing out of it for every half hour it still hasn't gotten around to freezing my last gogurt
Sigyn Silica
I've been awake for seven and a half hours and it isn't even noon yet
a crime
This seems like an ineffective form of punishment, because every time you open the freezer it loses cold air, thus making your gogurt take longer to freeze
Sigyn Silica
that seems like a problem for the freezer to figure out
Sigyn Silica
maybe if it wasn't such an incompetent freezer it could freeze my gogurt whether or not it was open every half hour
Sigyn Silica
I treat this freezer the way my f@th3r treats me . _.)
Maybe you should just eat the gogurt half frozen opposed to fully frozen
Sigyn Silica
>:0 maybe yOU should subject yourself to the torture of eating a food that is two different textures at the s a m e t i m e
Sigyn Silica
okay the ends are frozen now we're making progress
Sigyn Silica
okay I'm eating it I don't even care anymore
I hope you enjoy it XD
I personally think fRoZeN yogurt is atrocious texture wise, however as we speak I'm eating yogurt and granola so I am in fact eating two textures at once
Sigyn Silica
:< I wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised you
Sigyn Silica
I don't even eat pizza all at once, I eat it from top to bottom so that I can eat the toppings, cheese, sauce, and then crust all separately and in that order
Sigyn Silica
rereading that makes me think I might be more autistic than I let on
See there are just Very Specific textures that I find Disgusting and there's never any way I can possibly eat them
And then everything else I'm fine with.
I actually mix most of my food together cause I want every bite to be The Same Texture. With your pizza example, I pick the toppings off and move them around on the pizza, so every bite is generally The Same
What are your feelings on sandwiches?
Okay I understand eating it one part at a time
But the fact that you can tolerate the sauce all on its own is utterly insane
I can barely tolerate it with the other stuff to cover it up
I wouldn’t last a second in the asylum where they raised you
:0 the sauce is the best part
Lane the asylum where they raised you is a very strange one that I would last in, just be very confused by
XD I have to eat pizza starting at the crust sometimes bc I hate that part where the cheese meets the crust and it’s never covered properly and there’s a bunch of sauce there so I have to get it out of the way so that I can enjoy the cheesy part
Do you like tomatoes in other instances, or just not at all?
Not particularly, but I don’t, like, hate them
I’m fine with small bits of tomato in chili, for example
ngl the texture of a lot of fruits and vegetables bugs me but tomatoes aren’t the worst
I just really hate the texture of the sauce specifically
So it's a texture thing not a taste thing?
Sigyn Silica
so sandwiches have to be very specifically curated
I will have tuna fish sammich but no more than three times a week
I will eat So Many Peanut Butter Banana sandwiches but I rarely have enough bananas for more than one a day
and I have grilled cheese sammiches all the time
other than that I am rarely brave enough to try a new combination of sandwich toppings
Sigyn Silica
and I eat tomatoes raw
straight up bite one like an apple
Sigyn Silica
I revel in tomatoes bc my m/m convinced me I was allergic to them for five years
Sigyn Silica
if my wallet didn't stop me I would open a can of tomato paste and drink it like a smoothie
Someday when we meet I'll bring you many jars of home canned tomato paste so you can drink them any time you like
If shipping weren't so dang expensive I'd send them to you
Sigyn Silica
aw XD many thanks but ngl I would probably just use them all to make pizza
Sigyn Silica
drinking tomato paste is Wasteful in my brain
Sigyn Silica
...maybe I would drink one
depending on what I was wearing at the time
I mean, it's food. Consuming food isn't wasteful 🤷‍♀️
Sigyn Silica
when you put it that way