
What’s that I hear? A completely fictional world with almost no canon history and a really weird separation of cultures within presumably a relatively small area is calling me to dig into the lore and try to make up a complete history for it, including historical figures, seven or eight different cultures, military history, and a complete map? Very tempting
I’m afraid I’m hyperfixating a little too much and accidentally hyping up the thunder saga more than it deserves and you guys will be disappointed if you ever listen to it XD if that makes sense
Oh no...I lost my earbuds case......I can’t put them away.........I guess I gotta keep listening to the thunder saga............What a shame...............
I figured out how to do links in my profile! So now it looks pretty!
Scylla profile because I haven’t appreciated her enough in all my ramblings and she certainly deserves it because holy shit her song is incredible
Not to totally steal Lee’s idea but hey can somebody motivate me to finish writing a thing I’ve been working on for months?Just positive stuff/encouragement if you don’t mind /nf ofc
both earbuds in at full volume isn’t enough anymore I need the Thunder Saga injected into my very bones please and thank you
I have acquired sprite and mini m&msLife is good
I’m about to be absolutely unstoppable in this gameGonna try to beat my high score
something’s wrong with my m.m’s car so she’s getting the tires checked and one of the mechanic guys is wearing a very pretty pastel bracelet that says “LOVE” on it and it’s kind of adorable
Thunder Saga spoilers(I’m sorry. I’m busy today so I promise I won’t be rambling on as much as yesterday, even if only because I don’t have time XD)
I think that it’s very unfair when I have an idea for the end of a story and I actually have to write the rest of itThat’s stupidI should be able to just write the one part, and everybody else can infer what Very Obviously happened before that
thinking about Thunder Bringer againlol jk I actually just haven’t stopped thinking about Thunder Bringer
Sitting in the back of my d.d’s truck with all the kids on our street to watch fireworks :]
...last two things I swear1) I can’t get over the portrayal of Zeus in the Thunder Saga. Like with all the other gods I’ve been like “oh that’s a cool interpretation/portrayal of them” but not a single creative thing was done with Zeus. His personality is so directly from the source material that it hurts. He just shows up to be a pervert and cause problems
Okay I promise I really really will hush after this but I just looked up Scylla because I wasn’t super familiar with her and apparently because of her closeness to Charybdis, the phrase “between Scylla and Charybdis” is used when one has to choose between two equally bad/dangerous situationsAnd I think that’s incredibly fitting for the Thunder Saga
Alright I say this all the time but uhY’all should go listen to Epic if you haven’tBecause the Thunder Saga was wildThe whole musical is beautiful and it just keeps getting better
Okay I know I literally have not shut up all morning and I’m probably annoying the living daylights out of you guys but I’m gonna listen to the Thunder SagaIt’s storming outside and I’m sitting in my room alone in the dark so this is gonna be incrediblePlease go ahead and mute this if you want I’m gonna be rambling
I just checked the TikTok account to see if there was any warning for the new Troy and Cyclops sagasSo apparently the company he produced those with just... has not paid himLike at allSo the whole cast got together and just recorded the Ocean, Circe, Underworld, and Thunder sagas separately from that company, and they decided to just redo the others
I think I know what’s bothering me about the Epic re-recordingsIt feels like Odysseus now is singing, instead of Odysseus beforeHe sounds like he’s just tired and angry, nowA lot of this feels post-Polites Odysseus singing, not Troy Saga OdysseusAnd I think the fact that Jorge himself was a little younger and just beginning the project (1/2)
okay so throwing knives for two hours yesterday was a poor choiceMy entire right arm is sore, literally from my wrist to my shoulder blade, and then I slept funny so the right side of my neck hurts tooI cannot straighten my arm out completely
I just woke up and I’m already listening to epicNot only did the thunder saga come out but we’ve also got the official versions of the Troy and cyclops sagas with new art and re-recordingsI’m not positive but as far as I know he did not warn anybody about the Troy and cyclops ones so this is insane
okay after weeks of saying I was going to, I’m finally gonna start learning how to throw knivesWish me luck
my greatest ambition in life is to just keep collecting weapons and end up with a concerning amount of them, all of them named, that I can show off to peopleLike the boomerang guy in Phineas and Ferb introducing every single one of his boomerangs while Doofenshmirtz and Perry just watch uncomfortably
“Nice of Walmart to provide these Walmart beverages in return for us saying ‘Walmart’ so many times” I love this movie
“Answer: We team you up with a hot female co-star.”“Usually... I play the female love interest.”“About the cross-dressing thing? In the past, funny, today, disturbing.”“Lady, if you don’t find a rabbit with lipstick amusing, you and I have nothing to say to each other.”Bugs Bunny is a genderfluid icon and I love him
I love how Gen Z is like “hey maybe capitalism sucks” and old people are like “tHiS gEneRaTiOn dOeSn’T wAnT tO wOrK”Like have we all heard the song 9 to 5That came out 44 years agoThat I’ve literally never heard anyone criticize
why are the only ads I get either for the mafia nanny webtoon or an app called adventure communistwhat is YouTube trying to tell me
oh my cod three days until the thunder saga
I finished the gameIt was very good10/10, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️, would recommend