as a lifeguard I have the Most respect for Characters who can perform unresponsive rescues without a tube like dang how do you stay up with both you and another full grown person who is Not Helping You Bucky is the Best Lifeguard and I refuse to believe otherwise
No Rescue Breaths After doing a Whole Battle with the guy getting punched several times jumping out of a burning helicarrier to go grab him and then??? no tube??? and he l i v e d???? Best lifeguard
without a tube
like dang how do you stay up with both you and another full grown person who is Not Helping You
Bucky is the Best Lifeguard and I refuse to believe otherwise
After doing a Whole Battle with the guy
getting punched several times
jumping out of a burning helicarrier to go grab him
and then??? no tube???
and he l i v e d????
Best lifeguard