Anyway everyone always talks about classical music like it's boring and stuffy but Beethoven has a song named Rage Over A Lost Penny which sounds like anger management issues for six full minutes
Ravel's best known song is literally just the same melody over and over and over and over and over for fifteen minutes and three years after he wrote it he developed a severe cognitive disability the song is so annoying it quite literally drove him crazy
Everyone gushes over Händel's Messiah, but they only have the patience to listen to the hallelujah chorus and not the bit that's just repeating the line "All We Like Sheep " in various tunes and melodies for seven minutes
Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture has cannons as percussive instruments. You read that right. Cannons. Most recordings substitute it for a bass drum like in the opening of Carmina Burana but it's originally a cannon Tchaikovsky himself hated that song, he thought it was too patriotic and stupid
the song is so annoying it quite literally drove him crazy
You read that right. Cannons. Most recordings substitute it for a bass drum like in the opening of Carmina Burana but it's originally a cannon
Tchaikovsky himself hated that song, he thought it was too patriotic and stupid