I've had a vision for this one scene in Some Fanfic where Loki's all curled up in bed and Thor gives him head scritches like a lil kitty bc my man is ✨physically affectionate✨ and Loki wakes up like ????? what was that???? and so Thor gives him scritches under his chin and he says "you're my pet cat now"
and then years later Loki comes back from some quest or smth and Thor's petting one of his aunt's cats bc Freya has ten million cats and Loki goes ":< I see I've been replaced" but he Never Ever told Thor that he liked getting head scritches so Thor is Quietly Delighted
no idea where I could work that in but I love the idea bc sometimes you're just your big br/th3r's pet cat and you can either die mad about it or sit back and enjoy the head scritches
and so Thor gives him scritches under his chin and he says "you're my pet cat now"