We’re not making a big deal of it. Just going to town hall to do it on the free day. (One day per week it’s free to get married in each community.) and then we’re taking our wedding party (two witnesses plus spouses) to the local hotel for breakfast buffet. That’s it. LOL
Thanks everyone! It was kinda a secret because we don’t want people upset that they’re not invited but to us this is just a formality. Because it’s a freebie wedding you’re only permitted 4 people max so we can’t have more. Plus we had a big party a few years back where we invited everyone and then exchanged rings and vows so that was really our wedding. LOL
: we have a cohabitation agreement which in this country is recognized as a marriage but it’s not legal for America. My dad was like....you guys aren’t married. LOL Plus once we’re officially married I can get a Dutch passport without giving up my American one.
We did the freebie wedding too, 12 yrs ago, it was on a wednesday morning 9AM...LOL. We didn't even bring our own witnesses, so they assigned two dudes from the townhall mailroom or something. It took 7 mins, including exchanging rings..haha! Never regretted it!
Caitlin Tobias
: yeah they say that the witnesses cost I think €50 or €60 so we bring our own and the trouwboekje (which isn’t mandatory but I want it lol) costs €25 or €35. I forget. We’re booked in at 9:15. I’m sure we’ll be to the restaurant by 9:30. LOL
Plus once we’re officially married I can get a Dutch passport without giving up my American one.
We’re booked in at 9:15. I’m sure we’ll be to the restaurant by 9:30. LOL
See what you started! LOL