
So I saw a job posting today and I’m tempted to apply. Im not unhappy with my present job but there are a lot of things Im not thrilled with. Corporate dentistry can lead to what I think is some over treatment of patients. And I miss the feeling of a smaller office. But the daily hours are a little longer but no Saturdays.
So happy I got my new living room chair! Can put my space back together but the kitties are not amused about the disruption.
ever read an SL profile and X out and go nope never knowing they are wearing a red hat in RL?
OMG just had a virtual Facebook memories smack in the face. My cousin just posted about my mom and dad’s passing as there deaths were this month. And it was just like a gut punch.
is it bad that I just booked a birthday trip without checking with my work EEk!!!!! turning 60 don't care lol
So interesting morning, my furniture got delivered that went great. But I’m moving stuff around I had to do so big cleaning. I had my phone in my back pocket snd some how butt dialed my sister. I heard someone saying Hello in this nearby voice and I’m looking all around and out side my slider before I realized it was my phone.
Am I out of the loop did anyone else know Jack Antonoff was in a band called the Bleachers? I thought he was just a music producer
NEW | ELOQUII | Colorblock High-Low Dressdo you think this would be considered cocktail attire for a wedding in August?
Anyone watching the new season of The Bear? Cause I feel like I’m back at season 1 and have no idea what is going on. And the first episode was
I love when I get an off line message from a friend saying they have been reaching out to me but never hear back. And that they are sad they are losing friends. But this same friend stood in the same club with me Tuesday and said not a word to me
So the junk guys came took my stuff and now the cats are all confused and upset. Walking around ears back and jumpy. Sitting here trying not to make too many unnecessary movements
Do I have a company coming tomorrow to take some junk. My old headboard old giant tube tv, couple of chairs. Would 20 bucks each be s good tip for the drivers?
I have to post this here was shared in a local food Facebook page
I have an SL question. I’m having an issue with location links from the weekend sales and such not opening the right viewer. I downloaded Alchemy a few weeks ago and ever since then even thought it says open Firestorm viewer it opens Alchemy. Anyone have any idea how to fix this?
I think we all need to take gidge and silo out and celebrate!!!
I adulted today. I bought a new bed and mattress as mine is like 18 years old. And also bought myself a new living room chair.
this was just on my Facebook feed 🤣
A little annoyed. The hotel asked if I wanted housekeeping services today I said no. Left the room a bit on the messy side as I was half asleep getting ready for my tour. Housekeeping came in an tidied up and made the bed. Left my jammies on the bathroom floor they picked them up 1st problems but
SL pants in cookie form
too funny
Okay watching UK TV and there is show Naked Attraction and they start out my seeing the person naked !!!!!
Okay this new thing on Facebook where everyone is announcing this is a picture I took is really becoming annoying. I really want to comment like amazing skills. And most are not selfies so there is no way they are avytaking them.
You know when you want to be that cool put together traveler. Well that is not me!!! I tripped over my Rollie bag at the airport. And now I almost lost my phone when I dropped. It slide all the up under the seat in front of me. I was on my hands and knees looking under the seats.
can’t share on Facebook but so true
Was woken up this morning by such a disturbing dream. A massive tornado was touching down in my area. I could see it, I was back at my old office and 5 funnels were touching down my childhood home was in the direct path of one. I just watched in horror as it just started to destroy it almost in slow motion. I just started screaming
Gonna watch Oprah’s weight loss special see what she is pushing. Will there be a red wagon of fat?
best stores for 80's fashions in SL
Is anyone else getting paranoid with all the deodorant adds that are out there? These full body deodorants ? I swear I am constantly sniffing myself
So who watches Last Week Tonight with John Oliver??? He has thrown out a proposal to Clarence Thomas to retire from the Supreme Court and he will pay him a million dollars a year plus gift him a 2 million dollar motor coach. He has 30 days to respond.
hey does anyone know of someone that makes a zippered lip enhancement