
Stereo Nacht
I had to go back to bed this morning, I was just too tired. It helped. No idea what I'll do today. More Civilization, I guess, with hopefully some cleaning. Have a great day, everyone!
Stereo Nacht
I got a load of laundry going, including my bed sheets. My pillows are in the sun, being cleansed by the sun's UVs. I also have a bowls of strawberries I've cleaned, and intend to eat throughout the day, maybe some left for tomorrow. Can't leave them in the fridge, or I forget to eat them.
Stereo Nacht
Eye exam went well, was "diagnosed" with dry eyes, recommended to use a heating mask for the eyes. Found a fun, somewhat steampunk-y frames (these: jo226 but the "shades" are more titanium than green).
Stereo Nacht
Oof! I finally made the move, and changed my web host. So it's going to be down until the DNS changes gets propagated. Not that I had much going on, and I backed up all my emails from that domain. Next: get an appointment for bloodwork, and another for eye exam. Then I'll try to get some stuff done for the storage room, and my sewing space.
Stereo Nacht
Ah well. I installed the last cupboard-drawer. Whacked a few weeds. And weeded some more manually. Also working on a very decent Civ game. Now time to prepare for pawetry! I hope you all had a great day!
Stereo Nacht
Up. Somehow, I missed Onyx going out when I came back in, so she spent the night outside. She was still alive this morning, and doing well, despite getting a cut on one of her front paw yesterday (fight with another cat, maybe; I heard her screech at some point).
Stereo Nacht
Hm. I don't see any game Plurk yet. So here is mine! Wordle 1 106 4/6🟨🟩🟨⬜⬜⬜🟩🟨🟨⬜⬜🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Stereo Nacht
Oops! I haven't plurked yet. Well... Hm. I did my brother's pants hem. Took a nap. That's about it. I hope you all had a great day!
Stereo Nacht
Slow morning, but I took a shower. Next will be some laundry. Maybe some weed-whacking too. I'll see. I hope you are all having a great day!
Stereo Nacht
Ok. I really should go mow at least part of the lawn. Then I go weaving this afternoon. Which means, better hurry on the games, go get dressed, and get outside. Have a great day, everyone!
Stereo Nacht
Back home, with some leftover soup. Mom has to drive partway home, cause I was getting sleepy. I snoozed for a while, a proper nap may come later, although it would probably impede tonight's sleep. Anyway. I hope you all had a great day!
Stereo Nacht
Time to get dress and pack the soup to go, I guess! Have a great day, everyone!
Stereo Nacht
I napped yesterday, so I didn't sleep much last night, so I had a surprise nap this afternoon. And now, I just was given a cooking task for tomorrow, but I picked something that pretty much gets done all by itself: onion soup (sans gratin, cause the person we visit has some level of lactose intolerance).
Stereo Nacht
My effort for the day is done. My needlework circle has a stand at the local fair, plus a craft project for children. I was there from the start, despite a too short night; help do a few sales, supervised the one children who was there while all others were talking. (That's fine.) It's humid, and it's hotter under the pavilion where we were (no wind).
Stereo Nacht
It's cloudy, temps are good... Why am I still inside? Ok, getting dressed and going weeding in 3... 2... 1... (Let's see if this works.) Have a great day, everyone!
Stereo Nacht
Thunder, and getting dark. Hopefully I won't have another power outage today. (Might as well get hot water in the sink right away.)
Stereo Nacht
I think I'll try the "Civilization trick" again today: play Civ, and whenever I load a previous year, or restart a game cause I didn't get a good starting area, I get up and do some housework. At least I get a bit done. Have a great day, everyone!
Stereo Nacht
So I did a load of laundry, and a bit of dishes. Enough to clear a bit of space in and around my sink, so I cooked myself an asian-something soup. Pho style broth, Korean sweet potato vermicelli, wakame algae, mushrooms, broccoli. And a dash of soy sauce. It was fine. But mostly, it was something I prepared, rather than some pre-made meal.
Stereo Nacht
Quiet day. Stayed indoor most of it, with AC. Only called Onyx inside after she didn't show up for food. I had put a bowl of water outside, to be sure. She was alive, no worry. She even caught a mouse later. Just enjoying the summer, I guess! I hope you all had a great day!
Stereo Nacht
Fresh strawberries! Bought, not from my garden, but still. I went to bro's for another afternoon of "work", and there is a fresh fruit and veggie stand (produce stand?) and I didn't resist the impulse. I also got myself a fresh tomato. Food for the next couple of days already looks more yummy!
Stereo Nacht
Ok. Lots of time spend doing nothing useful. Time to get dressed, take out what's in my car, and put in the summer wheels (tires + rim). Then I can do more nothing, although I should get something to eat too. Have a great day, Everyone!
Stereo Nacht
Finally back. I found a dress, a tankini, and a short-legging. I'll still try to get another dress, cause the one I found is nice, but not the most flattering. Then I went to brother's, had a nice meal, swam a bit with his children before it got too late, then had cake. A day that ends with a cake is a good one.
Stereo Nacht
Game Plurk before I prepare for some shopping, starting with a very lucky Wordle 1 092 2/6🟨⬜⬜🟨⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Stereo Nacht
Many wake-ups during the night, but nearly 8 hours total... Hopefully that will balance out. Have a great day, everyone!
Stereo Nacht
Game Plurk: Wordle 1 090 5/6⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨⬜🟩🟨⬜⬜🟨🟩🟩🟨⬜🟨🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Stereo Nacht
So game Plurk, I guess; I think Plurk is holding up messages on me again. Wordle 1 089 3/6🟨🟩⬜🟨⬜⬜🟩🟨🟩🟨🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Stereo Nacht
Finally finished reading Le Carré's Karla trilogy. I have three other books I have started, and a dozen waiting. But for now: word games, then preparing for the afternoon's weaving tasks. I'll see if I can put in an half hour of weeding too; the temperature is perfect for it. Have a great day, everyone!
Stereo Nacht
And back home. I found myself a pre-sanded, small sheet of plywood to make the faces of my cat-door window insert, but I haven't decided on what to use as insulation. I might use the wool felt "remnant" I ordered. Maybe I'll find some sheet of foam insulator I can use. I'll see. I hope you are all having a great day!
Stereo Nacht
I was well inspired, this morning. After getting awoken twice by Onyx (first time was still so dark, I just "noped", I couldn't get back asleep again, and played for a while on my tablet. Then knowing I had to empty my car (I still haven't changed my wheels for the summer tires , plus I need to bring back a large mirror), I decided to do it then.
Stereo Nacht
Cute! I got an email: parcel out for delivery. Well, I guess I should get dressed? So I go to my bedroom and find Onyx sleeping with her head on my pillow! (Ok, a little more than just her head, but she was obviously sleeping where it smells the most like me. Then she requested (and gave) much petting. Anyway, I am dressed now.