
dragons at Japonica! BAROQUED
semi related: anyone know if we even CAN make skies right? or if they always say "welp this isn't really an EEP sky it's all faking shit" when you open it. (does only FS prompt? i don't know that i even tried making skies in official.) as always, SL's wiki is out of date and useless.
the funny not funny thing about PBR textures is that with the move to lower contrast shadows with CalWL equivalents...you may not even be able to see the PBR other than straight up mirrors.
i've done some stuff lately. RL's been a nightmare so i've been bad about talking about it. Summerfest:
now that i'm not running over to fantasy faire- over the top milkshakes at Collabor88! 8 8
Fantasy Faire is open for a few more hours! it's not going poof until "morning(ish)" if anyone is still awake for it. as always, so many sims of straight up amazing builds
Fantasy Faire ends tomorrow! Have you gotten your non-fishable token yet? Thunnus Bay
there is a roadrunner knocking on the picture window, showing his dead lizard to the cat. this is not the first time this roadrunner has come courting her with his bouquet of food.
thank you to the sweetest potato i know, boyo !
halo at Collabor88! 8 8
stay safe during the eclipse everyone! (shamlessly stolen from Isabeal)
not exactly burgers and beer at Sakura Matsuri, but not exactly not burgers and beer either. Ryukyu
woo hoo, my neighbor finally stopped paying for premium when he didn't log in for years, hya now has the trailer next to me on Leech Lake!
flavored milks at Collabor88! 8 8
oof, forgetful again. cupid's heart at Collabor88! 8 8
i need to not keep forgetting to type at you about this- free gift at Shop and Hop! Gilded
anyone noticed linkset data storage crashing scripts? it could be related to the oh god so much more info to process for pbr, but i had the brilliant? idea to switch to linkset data for some stuff and i think it....doesn't like it. at least not like, 2 things relatively close together.
also pbr- random notes on scripting/image handling details. separate textures of gltf imported DO each also get imported as actual textures (this is great, you may need them).
i'm done doing my goshuin (that project is expanding to year round, btw), so back to the pbr mines. midday, outside, skybox. read in columns/rows, it's shiny settings all the way across a row, the lines vertical all have the same base texture
lattes at Collabor88! 8 8
goshuin arimasuka?oof, meant to post this here earlier, but i forgot. a number of japanese shrines are doing a goshuin project this year for new year
Happy New Year! i'm hoping 2024 is kinder to us all- i know for me, it has been my hardest year to date. it's going out with a funeral and a flu i've had for a month (the not being able to sleep for more than a couple of hours due to the body aches is getting REALLY old). it's the year i lost the sweetest and softest cat i was lucky enough to spend 20
gifts at Katakana- daruma, clogs, and not pictured, a dragon kokeshi! Katakana there are lucky boards and other fun gifts there for the new year as well!