The Queen of Cups represents compassion, intuition, and emotion- al depth. She is also the most picky queen. In the traditional tarot, Queen of Cups holds the most unique cups in the suit. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Queen of Cups is depicted by a warm serving of clam chowder in a bread bowl. //
The High Priestess represents intuition, wisdom, and the mysteries of the sub- conscious mind. In the Gourmet Tarot, The High Priestess is depicted by the Religieuse pastry, with its two stacked choux pastry puffs, Religieuse is also called 'A nun cake' because the shape of the cake resembles to the figure of a nun.//
The Four of Cups represents apathy, discontent, contemplation, a period of dissatisfaction and introspection.In the Gourmet Tarot, the Four of Cups is depicted by a cup of noodles.//
//Strength:Curry Rice with Tonkatsu Strength represents courage, inner strength, and resilience. In the Gour- met Tarot, Strength is depicted by a comforting plate of Curry Rice with Tonkatsu. A soft comforting curry gently held around a tonkatsu piece. //
The Knight of Cups represents ro- mance, charm, and idealism. The offer and expression of love. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Knight of Cups is depicted by a cup of coffee with a horse logo, symbolizing the romantic and adven- turous spirit of the knight.//
The Ace of Pentacles represents pros- perity, opportunity, and new begin- nings. Especially in the material world. The Ace of Pentacles is depicted by a delicious fruit tart.//
The King of Swords represents intel- lect, authority, and logic. Sometimes the king is too logical that he is viewed as being cold. This king has sharp mind, authority, and clear deci- sion-making. In the Gourmet Tarot, the King of Swords is depicted by shaved ice served in a triangular cone.//
//Knight of Swords:Yatsuhashi The Knight of Swords represents ac- tion, determination, and decisiveness. This card shows the knight's swift and decisive nature. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Knight of Swords is depicted by yatsuhashi, a triangular-shaped Japa- nese sweet, with a matcha cup behind, //
The Seven of Wands represents challenges and standing your ground. It also symbolizes the need to defend your position and overcome obsta- cles in the face of competition. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Seven of Wands is depicted by a box of carrots and one is being pulled out from its place.//
The Four of Wands represents cele- bration, stability, and homecoming. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Four of Wands is depicted by a traditional Chinese bread sticks, symbolizing the joyous atmosphere of a homecoming cele- bration and the stability of family and community.//
The Two of Wands represents plan- ning, vision, and future possibilities. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Two of Wands is depicted by a steaming bowl of ramen. The noodles held by a pair of chopsticks.//
The Ace of Swords represents clarity, truth, and mental breakthroughs. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Ace of Swords is depicted by a single olive pierced with a sharp metal skewer, The olive is often associated with wisdom, and victory. //
The Six of Cups represents nostal- gia, childhood memories, past life relationship and innocence. It also indi- cates the sweetness and simplicity of childhood. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Six of Cups is depicted by six colorful milkshakes.//
The Three of Wands represents expan- sion, foresight, and exploration. This card also symbolizes the anticipation of new opportunities and the willing- ness to explore uncharted territories. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Three of Wands is depicted by 3 hearty German sausages, with pickles and mustard.//
The Three of Pentacles represents craftsmanship, collaboration, and attention to detail. the importance of skill, teamwork, and dedication to excellence. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Three of Pentacles is depicted by a colorful array of delicate and beauti- fully crafted macarons in the tea party.//
Temperance represents balance, har- mony, and moderation. In the Gourmet Tarot, Temperance is depicted by Teh Tarik, a Malaysian tea beverage that is "pulled" to create a frothy, balanced drink, symbolizing the need to find harmony and balance in all aspects of life.//
BY Scribalist][首抽紀錄]
幸運餅乾FORTUNE COOKIE這張牌說明書內沒定義
好餓Queen of Cups:
Clam Chowder
The Queen of Cups represents compassion, intuition, and emotion- al depth. She is also the most picky queen. In the traditional tarot, Queen of Cups holds the most unique cups in the suit. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Queen of Cups is depicted by a warm serving of clam chowder in a bread bowl.
The High Priestess represents intuition, wisdom, and the mysteries of the sub- conscious mind. In the Gourmet Tarot, The High Priestess is depicted by the Religieuse pastry, with its two stacked choux pastry puffs, Religieuse is also called 'A nun cake' because the shape of the cake resembles to the figure of a nun.//
但我不喜歡吃辣The Four of Cups represents apathy, discontent, contemplation, a period of dissatisfaction and introspection.In the Gourmet Tarot, the Four of Cups is depicted by a cup of noodles.//
但我會把辣味推走(X我就不喜歡辣味嘛,不要逼我(X力量 咖哩
現在回頭看覺得這裡怎麼寫得很像節制Strength represents courage, inner strength, and resilience. In the Gour- met Tarot, Strength is depicted by a comforting plate of Curry Rice with Tonkatsu. A soft comforting curry gently held around a tonkatsu piece. //
# 豬排咖哩飯的象徵意義
1. 內在力量和勇氣
2. 面對逆境的韌性
3. 優雅地克服生活中的困難
4. 一碗溫暖舒適的食物所帶來的安慰
所以力量配炸豬排是不是可以理解成「加油 你可以的」這樣的鼓勵感
第一眼想說是不管一般傳統的畫面元素喜歡就多用的意思嗎如果純粹靠記憶牌名也是可以,但這樣的話一開始就沒有必要有圖片,我拿EXCEL打下78張牌名隨機也可以抽牌Knight of Cups: Coffee
The Knight of Cups represents ro- mance, charm, and idealism. The offer and expression of love. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Knight of Cups is depicted by a cup of coffee with a horse logo, symbolizing the romantic and adven- turous spirit of the knight.//
2.牌特性:這副牌對我來說特性如何? 力量
3.額外建議或技能樹建議:需要特別額外注意或學習的地方? 聖杯四
4.長遠影響:這副牌對於自己的長遠影響和學習課題?(買東西牌陣也有類似問題) 女祭司
5.上手領域:對自己而言使用這副牌可能特別擅長哪一領域? 聖杯皇后
1.摸索使用 劍國王
2.牌特性 錢三
3.額外建議或技能樹建議 劍一
4.長遠影響 劍騎士
5.上手領域 錢一
1.我想買這個東西是因為? 杖三
2.買這個東西對我而言心理上的意義是? 節制
3.買這個東西給我帶來的短期影響是什麼? 杯六
4.買這個東西給我帶來的長期影響是什麼? 劍一
5.不買的話給我帶來的短期影響是什麼? 杖二
6.不買的話給我帶來的長期影響是什麼? 杖七
7.面對用這一筆錢投資(購買即投資)的態度,有什麼需要注意的? 杖四
3.額外建議或技能樹建議 劍一 一樣劍一
3.額外建議或技能樹建議 劍一
5.上手領域 錢一
4.長遠影響 劍騎士
要我決定快點買嗎查了一下對 沒錯(
The Ace of Pentacles represents pros- perity, opportunity, and new begin- nings. Especially in the material world. The Ace of Pentacles is depicted by a delicious fruit tart.//
Shaved Ice
The King of Swords represents intel- lect, authority, and logic. Sometimes the king is too logical that he is viewed as being cold. This king has sharp mind, authority, and clear deci- sion-making. In the Gourmet Tarot, the King of Swords is depicted by shaved ice served in a triangular cone.//
The Knight of Swords represents ac- tion, determination, and decisiveness. This card shows the knight's swift and decisive nature. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Knight of Swords is depicted by yatsuhashi, a triangular-shaped Japa- nese sweet, with a matcha cup behind, //
The Seven of Wands represents challenges and standing your ground. It also symbolizes the need to defend your position and overcome obsta- cles in the face of competition. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Seven of Wands is depicted by a box of carrots and one is being pulled out from its place.//
Chinese Bread Sticks
The Four of Wands represents cele- bration, stability, and homecoming. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Four of Wands is depicted by a traditional Chinese bread sticks, symbolizing the joyous atmosphere of a homecoming cele- bration and the stability of family and community.//
The Two of Wands represents plan- ning, vision, and future possibilities. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Two of Wands is depicted by a steaming bowl of ramen. The noodles held by a pair of chopsticks.//
The Ace of Swords represents clarity, truth, and mental breakthroughs. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Ace of Swords is depicted by a single olive pierced with a sharp metal skewer, The olive is often associated with wisdom, and victory. //
The Six of Cups represents nostal- gia, childhood memories, past life relationship and innocence. It also indi- cates the sweetness and simplicity of childhood. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Six of Cups is depicted by six colorful milkshakes.//
The Three of Wands represents expan- sion, foresight, and exploration. This card also symbolizes the anticipation of new opportunities and the willing- ness to explore uncharted territories. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Three of Wands is depicted by 3 hearty German sausages, with pickles and mustard.//
The Three of Pentacles represents craftsmanship, collaboration, and attention to detail. the importance of skill, teamwork, and dedication to excellence. In the Gourmet Tarot, the Three of Pentacles is depicted by a colorful array of delicate and beauti- fully crafted macarons in the tea party.//
Temperance represents balance, har- mony, and moderation. In the Gourmet Tarot, Temperance is depicted by Teh Tarik, a Malaysian tea beverage that is "pulled" to create a frothy, balanced drink, symbolizing the need to find harmony and balance in all aspects of life.//