Republicans are truly unhinged. WTF Coulter
Luke Skywanker
The fact is, I'm relatively certain she's not much of a Trumper, so this may be satire, but we don't even know at this point.
Luke Skywanker
Also isn't that photo of her like 20 years old?
It does read as sarcasm to me, especially given the post she's responding to. It does seem as if traditional GOPers are more comfortable saying that there's a line between loyalty and insanity than they were a couple of years ago.
Oh, I get that it's sarcasm because of what Charlie Kirk said. I just think that it's really shitty to make that kind of a statement about suicide, even when meant sarcastically. Also, WTF Charlie Kirk. Like, yes please, do that.
Oxygen Venus
Oxygen Venus
Can't they just be sane and normal?
, ah yes, that it is. I don't see them ever having sensitivity about that, though.
MarvelMouse 🐭
Yeah they left sane and normal a while ago.
I mean...if they did it would save us all a lot of trouble.
Oh, she's making fun of their desperation to support Trump because she's anti-Trump, not for any good reason, but she is anti-Trump
And give that it's Coulter, she really has never shown a scintilla of sensitivity about anything, so being flippant about suicide is normal for her.
if they were sane and normal they'd realize they should probably stop voting for fascists who not-very-secretly despise them