Ministers are considering another climbdown over a controversial law to ban conversion therapy.
After a huge backlash from parents and teachers, they are looking at delaying plans that could criminalise those who want to prevent children from changing gender.
They will press ahead with moves to ban conversion therapy designed to turn gay people straight.
But a ban on conversion therapy for gender identity could be put off until the summer amid fears it would criminalise parents, teachers and doctors who question children who want to change gender.
It comes as a group of gay men warned ministers the new law could put pressure to transition on thousands of children who might otherwise grow up happy and gay.
The Gay Men’s Network said the plans would silence opposition to gender conversion and could destroy thousands of lives because many children would later regret changing gender.
The climbdown comes after threats of legal action from Fair Play For Women, whose director Dr Nicola Williams said: ‘The Government has been rushing to get this bill into law before an LGBT conference it’s hosting next year. 在"女性公平競爭"(Fair Play For Women)威脅要採取法律行動之後,其主任尼古拉·威廉姆斯(Nicola Williams)博士說:"政府一直急於在明年舉辦的LGBT會議之前將這項法案納入法律。
Boris Johnson originally agreed to ban the cruel practice of therapists trying to make gay children straight.
But the proposals were extended to stop people trying to persuade children they should consider whether they really want to be the ‘gender they want to be’.
The Gay Men’s Network wrote a submission to the consultation to urge ministers not to bring in a ban on conversion therapy for gender identity in its name.
The group says the move towards promoting transition in effect erases people who are simply gay by telling them they are in the wrong body
Increasing numbers of children, mostly adolescent girls, are coming out as transgender and convinced they were ‘born in the wrong body’. Around a third of these children are autistic. 越來越多的兒童,主要是青春期女孩,出櫃為跨性別者,並確信他們"出生在錯誤的身體裡"。這些孩子中約有三分之一患有自閉症。(網頁另有文獻連結)
Given the significant crossover between autism and gender dysphoria, the lack of an easy read version will have the effect of excluding many who would wish to engage in the process”. 鑒於自閉症和性別焦慮症之間的重大交叉,缺乏易於閱讀的版本將產生排除許多希望參與該過程的人的效果。
After a huge backlash from parents and teachers, they are looking at delaying plans that could criminalise those who want to prevent children from changing gender.
They will press ahead with moves to ban conversion therapy designed to turn gay people straight.
但是,禁止性別認同(gender identity)的扭轉療法可能會被推遲到夏天,因為擔心它會將質疑想要改變性別的孩子的父母,教師和醫生定為刑事犯罪。
男同性戀網路表示,這些計劃將壓制對性別轉換(gender conversion )的反對,可能摧毀成千上萬的人生,因為許多孩子後來會後悔改變性別。
在"女性公平競爭"(Fair Play For Women)威脅要採取法律行動之後,其主任尼古拉·威廉姆斯(Nicola Williams)博士說:"政府一直急於在明年舉辦的LGBT會議之前將這項法案納入法律。
But the proposals were extended to stop people trying to persuade children they should consider whether they really want to be the ‘gender they want to be’.
The group says the move towards promoting transition in effect erases people who are simply gay by telling them they are in the wrong body
LGB Alliance
我們建議將性取向( sexual orientation )和跨性別身份(transgender identity)區分為兩個不同的法案。
換句或說,政府的提案「禁止性別矯正法案」,並不會停止,反而會加速「同性戀矯正治療(gay conversion therapy)」
換句或說,政府的提案「禁止性別矯正法案」,並不會停止,反而會加速「同性戀矯正治療(gay conversion therapy)」
關於「跨性別轉化治療(transgender cinversion therapy)」的法案需要比政府引用"極其貧困"的考文垂大學報告更好的研究。˙他還需要詳細的立法前審查。.....後面大概是說明研究不足以支持立法,缺乏明確定義、缺乏有力證據、草率立法弊大於利等等
關於「跨性別轉化治療(transgender cinversion therapy)」的法案需要比政府引用"極其貧困"的考文垂大學報告更好的研究。˙他還需要詳細的立法前審查。.....後面大概是說明研究不足以支持立法,缺乏明確定義、缺乏有力證據、草率立法弊大於利等等
抗議草案公開諮詢期太短的團體,Fair Play For Women的聲明
Increasing numbers of children, mostly adolescent girls, are coming out as transgender and convinced they were ‘born in the wrong body’. Around a third of these children are autistic.
"我們很高興政府已同意發佈易於閱讀的格式,並大大延長每個人的截止日期。如果沒有這一讓步,許多人就不會聽到他們的觀點,他們需要聽取的一個重要群體 - 自閉症年輕人及其父母 - 將被排除在外。
「做一個『Gay trans man』(女性與其他女性約會)比做一個女同性戀感覺更好,不那麼可恥」
禁止矯正治療法案(Conversion therapy)的諮詢延長至2022年2月,因為官員們報告說,到目前為止,他們對反應感到"震驚",並且沒有預料到圍繞性別認同的"敏感而複雜"的辯論。
政府如何考慮寒蟬效應的風險( risk of a chilling effect),即合法的臨床醫生退出提供支持,因為他們不想冒著被拖入法庭的風險?
鑒於研究表明,大多數患有焦慮症( dysphoria)的孩子在成年後很可能是LGB,在法律上強制肯定式的性別認同( affirmation of gender identity i),本身就是國家規定的同性戀矯正療法(gay conversion therapy)嗎?