Trompe Loeil
sorry they felt that way, I have always loved your work and respected your approach to business in general and with gatchas.
Yeah, everything that looks similar to something you can find on the webs somewhere MUST BE A RIPOFF... people don't care to actually compare. And SURE stuff will look similar, I mean everyone looks at RL stuff and models it similar to that.
Cool down a bit, people.
Trompe Loeil
✴Sparkling✴ : Thank you, I appreciate it - I try to give creators the benefit of the doubt, and I've been on the other end too - a skybox I recently released was modeled after the same interiors as another creator's product released prior to ours, which I was unaware of. It happens, and that creator was very understanding, and I appreciated it greatly
I imagine there is going to be a lot of customer doubt in the coming months regarding sourcing of items stipulated to be original works for all of us. I cannot imagine ever doubting your integrity or work - your aesthetic alone is unique enough to stand up to scrutiny.
Trompe Loeil
And I know its often difficult to tell at a glance if a model is an exact duplicate or just similar, there have been times when I've had to triple check to make sure a bed model (for example) isn't actually our work. In this specific instance, the item is a memorable one and as mentioned its not the first time people have recognized it from both our stores
Unfortunately customers can barely manage to figure out when things are poorly ripped from games, clashing alphas and all, so perhaps it would be easy to see why the average consumer would struggle. I think my best advice in such cases is the use of wireframe mode and patience. Lots of patience.
stylistically it's very recognizable- but the archways on all three are different if you really look at them, though they follow the same general shape. points are curved/pointed differently, etc. but that requires really looking at them with a critical eye
Natalie 🌈
Everything is influenced by something out here in the actual, real world. Trends come and go too, so sometimes it’s inevitable that similar products from different creators will appear. Two people can both see the same picture and draw influence from that, it happens and people need to just accept it and move on.
Trompe Loeil
Anke : Absolutely, and tbh the only thing that really stung is knowing that I was approached about it before years ago but from the other angle and I knew I had vouched for her work then, and in this instance I still do - the three models all look different enough to me that I can tell they're the work of three different people
Trompe Loeil
Natalie 🌈 : Yep for sure - I've been on the other side of it too recently, a skybox I made was designed after the same interior images that another creator used to make his own version prior to mine, and I was unaware it existed. He was very gracious and understanding and I appreciated it, and its the way I try to be with other creators as well
Trompe Loeil
Allegory : For sure, the arch is what people see and recognize but to me at least its the seat cushions that set them all apart, they're wildly different and to be honest the most difficult part to model. If you're making those already the arch is just a bezier curve and extrude, that's the easy part
Trompe Loeil : yeah, the seats are SUPER obviously different at a glance (and it's an easy thing to point out to people because of that)- just even a fairly cursory look at the archway (and admittedly i'm more used to examining models than most) and i can tell that all three were made differently
Trompe Loeil
professionalskye: thank you <3 I understand the situation and the concerns involved and felt it would be better to say something now rather than nothing at all until it potentially snowballed
Trompe Loeil
jessicalucie: Thank you Jessica, I appreciate the opportunity to say something and in hindsight I wish I had said something earlier, if only to point out that the creator in question's version is (to my eye) different than the one from the third party site. I'm sorry I didn't do so
I think anonymity swamped a question raising a valid concern about ethics into a vortex of rumor, libel, and innuendo together with a lot of righteous anger and vicious anger. It is irresponsible that the OP has not deleted it after it went into libeling others and personal attacks on family.
KayKay Chan
I trust your work and I think it was really nice of you to refund the person.
Trompe Loeil
KayKay Chan : Thank you <3 My view is if one person approached me about it then others are thinking about it so I should probably say something now rather than later and hopefully put to rest any concerns that might be out there
You're offering refunds for gift cards over this? You didn't do anything wrong. Sorry you're going through that. It's not fair at all.
Trompe Loeil
Lyrical : The customer asked about the bench and then asked for the refund for the gift cards, which were unused and they returned, so I didn't have a problem doing so. Refunds for unsatisfactory products are always an option if I can't correct a bad experience any other way for a customer
Thank you for this. I have been trying to lead with love and forgiveness in this matter and those darn pictures were messing me up in the head big time.
Aww. Well it was nice of you to that. Sorry you're under the microscope though. That's a bummer.
I saw all the similarities and now I am seeing SO many differences. The legs, the cushion, even the curves on top- the points are sharper or more angles, etc.
SO I know this was about your store and brand, but that was never a question for me, and you helped me internally in general, thank you.
Trompe Loeil
✿Kirsten✿ : Thank you for reading it with an open mind, and I'm glad I could provide a little bit of context for the other creator's situation as well, insofar as I have any authority or room to speak on it
/me goes to buy more Trumpet Oil!
giggles, that's how I say your store in my head
Trompe Loeil
Trompe Loeil
i love it hahaha
it is said with love, like all the best nicknames
I've always liked your brand, and I'm glad that I can keep liking it. Your message is full of class and facts. Thank you for this.
Trompe Loeil
Rose : <3 thank you for reading it
Ye Olde Willis
classy as always, Cory! I don't SL anymore but I'm sorry your integrity was questioned. You are an amazing creator and just all round good egg! (heart)
Trompe Loeil
I was hoping I didn't need to specify this further, but as an open request: please do not use my name or my brand in that anon post as a cudgel against Isla. That's not what my post was about, with the exception of reiterating that this model was uniquely created by three different people, myself being one of them and she being another.
Trompe Loeil
I'm here to create and do what I love, and I do my absolute best to stay completely out of anything else that isn't related to that goal. Commenting on someone else's business is the exact opposite of how I try to conduct myself, and its my most sincere wish that no one else do it for me on my behalf, regardless of good intentions.
Trompe Loeil
I have a lot of sympathy for anybody trying to survive and raise a family on the uncertain foundation of freelance graphic design and content creation, and being in a spotlight of anonymous commentary is about the worst thing I can think of to go through, and that is the absolute extent of my comments on that creator's situation going forward.
Trompe Loeil
Ye Olde Willis : wills <3 good to see you around my friend
Trompe Loeil : thank you for the thoughtful analysis of a sticky situation, and for disclosing some of your history with similar problems. We all appreciate your hard work and wonderful products
Sick Cheese
While obviously some of CP products were purchased from these sites, and they've admitted to it, now people are trawling through everything they've ever made and as soon as they find something even remotely similar it's bring screamed that it's illegal.
Sick Cheese
It's now even leaking out to other brands, such as yours, and it's beyond ridiculous. People need to stop. They're just trying to tear people down for the enjoyment of it right now. It's sick. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this.
Thank you for a well written piece. I admire your work.
Wonderful words
Well said, Cory.
Excellent post, Cory.
Cory, it's a tough market as we both know but one that real creators underpin with ethical work supporting other small artists in the field. Sorry you were dragged into the mess of CP I feel badly for the small real artists who's work she profited off and also for the SL community from customers, events, other creators. :-(. Hope all else is well x
Trompe Loeil
RawGG : Gingo! : Rune🐻ofAgamotto : Sick Cheese : Raynee : Saff : Misha : M-Doll0809A : ScarletC : thank you very much everyone <3 it was stressful to write and I truly appreciate everyone's kind words and understanding and support, its made a scary situation much easier
Ylva Korhonen
I am sorry to hear you are under any type of scrutiny. While you should not have had to deal with any of it, others need to take notice that you did so with the only way that anyone should, with class & respect. Many out there are taking very inappropriate ways to approach it, designers included. Respect shown is respect earned, and you have mine.
I have always loved your work. However, I keep you on my timeline because you're a kind, decent human being. This is just more proof of that. Thank you, Cory, for sharing your insight.
Thanks for your comments. I always wonder about that dual pressure on creators...I mean there is a flickr group called Please make this in SL where people beg for things to be made here. I have done it myself, posting some dress or another, but then there's the people who instantly show inspiration and execution and scream theft.
Sometimes, though, I wonder if they are the same people.
Trompe Loeil
(((Cajsa))) : In my experience over the last 14 years, the instances where a creator is expected to take personal offense over another creator's similar-but-still-originally-made take on an idea has really dropped off, and its almost never originated with the creator themselves, but with people being offended on their behalf
Trompe Loeil
And when it does arise its almost always in situations like these, where there are people looking for instances of resale of non-original work, and either don't see the differences that indicate original work, or the ideological focus drifts off the topic of non-original work to "they stole an idea"
Trompe Loeil
I try to be exceedingly thorough when checking a reported case of someone else reselling our items as their own work, and to be honest I've only seen it 2 or 3 times inworld in a sandbox, a few more times on the MP by obvious content thieves, and the vast majority of times on third party copybot content sites
Trompe Loeil
I don't think I've ever had a creator contact me directly upset over an original take on a similar idea they've already made, and its more or less an understood courtesy in the creator community that ideas and inspiration are everywhere and nobody can be expected to keep up on what's already been made by someone else
Trompe Loeil
If anybody that isn't a creator with a stake in the matter wants to consider it an ethical situation to not shop from creators in that latter situation, out of loyalty to one party or personal standards, that's entirely their decision and not up to me to try to convince them otherwise. In my experience its vanishingly rare
Trompe Loeil
Ylva Korhonen : Zaaf : <3 thank you guys both very much, it means a lot to hear
❤ Brie ❤
This sucks. I am so sorry this is trickling to other stores. It really proves how the actions of one effect a community. I always loved your products and hate to see your store a target like that.
perhaps you can comment on this, seems like you also use other's work without permission or copyright (and these items are still up for sale). I am starting to realize all SL creators are corrupt af.
Notafan : If you can't comment openly, you have nothing worth hearing.
Trompe Loeil
Notafan : I sourced those textures from a third party texture resource and edited them to tile seamlessly. They were provided without a license and I was not aware when I sourced them that they were themselves taken from another artist and the source I got them from did not have the right to distribute them. I was informed by a customer about the situation
Trompe Loeil
and when I was told, I immediately informed the event coordinators about the situation and let them know that I would not be using those textures on any products going forward in the future, and I haven't.
Trompe Loeil
I also used those textures on another product previous to that one, about two years earlier, and was never informed about any potential IP conflict until I used them on the product that was just linked
Trompe Loeil
Out of 14 years of content creation and release of 3-4 products per month, every month, for the last 5 years, to my knowledge those textures have been the only instance where there's been a question of IP issues, and it was due to incorrect distribution on another party's part. Unfortunately I/anyone else cannot backtrack the original source of any texture
Trompe Loeil
This situation is partially why I have a flat policy about not distributing textures from my builds inworld when requested. There's simply no way to correctly respect the original artist's licensing otherwise, and in situations like this, I would be possibly contributing to further distribution of material I shouldn't be distributing
Trompe Loeil
Now, given the situation, and the fact that the textures were both acquired in good faith and extensively modified before they were used on the inworld model (which itself can qualify as fair use, but IANAL), and I only had the information provided by a customer that they may be inappropriate to use, I felt the best situation was to not use them again
so let me get this straight you knowingly kept the product up for sale at an event letting your loyal customers buy it KNOWING the assets you used were fraudulent. NICE!
Trompe Loeil
This is also the decision I shared with the event coordinators of all three of my regular events, and requested feedback from them as to if this would not be acceptable to them according to the guidelines of the events
and that's not fair use you knowingly continued to sell a product with a RL Designer's wallpaper work. Did you credit him? Did you pay him royalties? Did you take the item down and retexture it immediately. No. You raked in the cash.
Trompe Loeil
What I knew was a customer informed me that the source I got the original textures from may not have had the right to redistribute them. Given that amount of information I had to go on, I felt it best to err on the side of caution and not use them further going forward.
nice try. I hope you made a lot of money off that designer's work and it was worth it. Even an idiot like me can see it's an exact rip and you would have had a receipt from the original website (that you conveniently have forgotten) and could have pulled the work immediately and applied a new legal texture protecting your customers and the SL community.
This is why SL creators have a such bad reputation. None of you have morals for other designers. You just want to make your bucks and not respect IP. Honestly, I won't ever buy from you again.
Notafan : and yet you still hide behind a fake account.
Trompe Loeil
As I stated, the original textures were edited to tile (the originals were non-tileable) and I acquired them several years ago from a source that didn't attach any licensing restrictions. There is no receipt, however I can say that I have seen the textures available for sale on other third party art asset sites
really, which ones?
Trompe Loeil
Honestly, I don't have URLs for you because its not something I thought to save. Again, I've had them for several years at this point before I was ever informed that there was a potential IP issue with using them
and that's still not the point. The point is once you were AWARE that this was a famous RL designer's original work, you CONTINUED to SELL your item for your own PROFIT with his work as your texture (no matter how you try to dress up you made it seamless which most 3d programs do automatically - it's not relevant)
Rune🐻ofAgamotto : this is not a fake account - is aksdjfkajfo;aeifj your real name or whatever that mess of characters state?
Also Rune🐻ofAgamotto : nice try to try and distract from the screenshot and facts that this creator also continued to sell ripped assets knowingly for profit - she has even confirmed that herself above (all of which I have lovingly screenshot).
notafan since your account is so new you have 0 karma and have suddenly appeared today it is pretty hard to say you are not someone who is hiding behind an alternate account.
Trompe Loeil
It seems odd that you'd feel it necessary to screenshot since I willingly informed several event coordinators at the time about the situation and what I was going to do about it going forward. Nothing I've said is anything I haven't already shared with event coordinators once I was informed of a potential issue
plus the fact that you just targeted this plurk and the one from Cheeky Pea. But whatever. My real name is not important. People on my timeline know it.
I screenshotted what you said in case you decide to delete your omission about selling items in contradiction to the original IP owner's copyright. SL creators are a disgrace.
You haven't proven anything Notafan Unless you are the original copyright holder.
Rune🐻ofAgamotto : aldkjflafj39398 I am sure they do bet you have your RL name plastered all over it ;-)
Rune🐻ofAgamotto : hah, oh bless you. You don't think people have eyes, have brains, have the capability to look closely at a VERY famous wallpaper from a VERY famous designer and see it's exactly the same? Sorry honey bun, but thanks for playing. Next excuse for the IP infringement, surely you can do better than that.
Trompe Loeil
I understand if you felt it necessary to make a throwaway account about this but please don't use it to start threatening other people about their RL information.
Cult~Storm : Look at my account open date. Some of us don't like Plurk, but have been around a VERY long time.
I have nothing to hide, and nether does Trompe Loeil. It is her product and her fight. Using a throw away account is an act of cowardess. I am not your honey bun though.
Trompe Loeil : I have not threatened anybody, not even closer. But again try to attack me as the one who posted the evidence of your own duplicitous behavior. Try to discredit me, bully me whatever you please. But honestly, you were the one who kept selling that item for a lot of money knowing the assets used to make it were highly suspect. '
Trompe Loeil
All I asked was for you to stop referencing anybody else's RL information behind an anonymous account.
you can set your attack dogs on me like the posters on here, but it's now in the public domain so I hope you take the item down after all this time and stop profiting off another artist's work that is not your IP.
Trompe Loeil
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to address it now, as I addressed it at the time with the event coordinators when I was first told the original source might be questionable. I will continue to not use those textures
Trompe Loeil : and you know full well I have not referenced anybodies RL information - Runescape2039840328kjfh stated that themselves and I not on their timeline (thankfully). It's a basic tactic to attack a poster who has shown with evidence truth of your poor behavior, combined with you admitting what you did. So continue feel free to try and distract!
Just please do not bully people who post on Plurk like you have here via your "friends" who jumped in to attack my account etc.
Trompe Loeil
You posted your comments on a plurk I created, I'm not sure how you expect me to prevent other people from reading or commenting.
at the end of the day you posted what you did, I am sure you regret it, but at least now we all know you sell items (and continue to do so) knowingly in breach of another artist's IP. Shame on you.
This is too much, you asked for it to be addressed, it was. I appreciate the openness of the response.
oh let me guess you are going to attack me too. She did not address at all why she continues to sell it for her own profit without credit or royalties to the original designer of that wallpaper. Sorry but mea culpa isn't this being addressed. Removal and apology is.
Notafan : You're a troll whose opinion matters less to me than a dust mote.
MarvelMouse 🐭
troll -
a mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance.
At this point I recommend the block button. I also reported as spam. Don’t feed the trolls.
Ylva Korhonen
Rose I did the same.
thanks for the bullying folks and name calling, because what I asked for IP infringement to be addressed? Also glad to note it will remain for sale raking in people's hard earned money without a cent going to the real creator of the wallpaper. Nice morals.
I am just thankful, a spotlight has been shined on this sort of infringement so people can be aware of your putting making money ahead of respecting IP of other designers.
Trompe Loeil
Again, thank you for the opportunity to share what I told the event coordinators voluntarily at the time the potential for a problem was first communicated to me
MarvelMouse 🐭 : so you are calling me ugly, and that I live in a cave? Oh my, what a lovely person you are! Again good to shine the spotlight on bullies too.
Trompe Loeil : and thank you for the opportunity to show in your own plurk that you continued to take customer's money for assets you did not have the appropriate IP for and that you were aware of that during the event and could have remedied it, but chose to continue to sell it for your own profit. Thank you!
MarvelMouse 🐭
Notafan oh my did you just confess to being a troll?
Wow, what a -lovely- person you are, mr troll notafan.... feck off.
Also, sorry you had to go through this. Its the usual tear people down crap expanding to hit others.
Notafan : it seems the bullying, vitriol and duplicity is all coming from you. Trompe Loeil introduced this topic to discuss something important, and you, hiding behind a private account with no history and no friends, go on the attack. The only honest thing about your posts seems to be when you said "Even an idiot like me"
Let me tell you right here that, when something is posted online for download WITHOUT a licence, it is in the public domain and can be used freely, without a fee, and even without attribution. Period.
Also, there are a few more points I have to make, and none of them is going to be particularly flattering about SL's IP vigilantes.
1. The whole "100% original mesh" requirement / bragging point is one of the most ridiculous requirements I've seen. At best, it simply gives the buyer a false sense of exclusivity, which the buyer buys for the princely sum of... $1? $2? $3? Something like that. Sorry, but that's just plain silly.
^^^ M-Doll0809A : Yup, this right here. when slocca was introduced, it even excluded anyone who made full perm original mesh. As if it wasn't, because it was for others to use. As long as its legally used, who cares. [I used to make full perm mesh, by the way]
2. When someone who has no vested interest at all AND hides behind a veil of anonymity requires documents that could include personally identifying information, threatening you that, if you don't comply, they will destroy your reputation, that's a felony named BLACKMAIL. Honestly, I'll be glad when some content creator gets such an IP vigilante behind bars
Fearyfox(Reyn) : Don't get me started on the whole SLOCCA thing. Just don't.
Because, seriously, what well-meaning person would hide behind anonymity and require you to reveal your RL info along with any contracts you may have with this or the other 3D designer or 3D content shop? What they want is to gather info to use against you when they see fit.
3. The mere fact that most of these discussions happen on the infamous gossip cesspool shows that the ones stirring such strife are subhumans with First-World Problems.
4. Now, let's handle third-party content that was bought from outside SL, i.e. from places like Turbosquid, CG Trader, SketchUp's 3D Warehouse (actually, most, if not all, of the content on this one is FREE), etc.
5. Let's say that a certain 3D model is available for sale on Turbosquid (which explicitly prohibits use of its wares in SL) and CG Trader (which does NOT explicitly prohibit use of its stuff in SL, but simply asks that you use "all reasonable methods" to prevent ripping).
6. When they see such a model in-world, the SL IP vigilantes immediately assume that the model came from Turbosquid and not from CG Trader or some other, more permissive source. Their stupidity and prokanoia goes to 11.
7. It doesn't cross their mind that the content creator they have targeted is diligent enough to purchase from sources that allow use in SL. It doesn't cross their mind that the content creator they have targeted has purchased the appropriate extra licence and rights for commercial use in SL.
8. They assume that the use of third-party content in SL is by definition in violation of the original creator's ToS, EULA, etc. And then, they start the witch hunts and blackmail messages.
9. Personally, I don't mind third-party content. I'll gladly use third-party content if it suits my needs, has good LOD, strikes a good balance between low-poly and detail, and is easy enough to texture.
10. And since the SL IP vigilantes pretend to be some sort of moral guardians, when was the last time they asked Nestlé to offer proof it has a valid licence to extract water from the springs it exploits? When was the last time they boycotted Chiquita for killing trade unionists? Ask them these questions. You'll hear crickets.
And with that, I end my tirade against these hypocritical and unethical armchair preachers of ethics.
You're welcome. I
I'm so sick and tired of all those hypocrites. And Monday's events in my RL region make me even less tolerant of all this shit. We're counting charred bodies here, donating blood, gathering food and clothing for those afflicted... As this is all happening, I've decided I have ZERO tolerance for crapsacks like these vigilantes.
Yes, I am. Yesterday, we woke up to the stench of burnt stuff, and we live some 40km away from the burnt areas. Thankfully, none of my colleagues, relatives and friends has been afflicted or at risk, but what's happened is downright terrible and criminal. These are the worst wildfires here since 2007, when most of Peloponnese was burnt.
jessicalucie: Incidentally, one of the areas that was burnt on Monday is in the sights of a Greek mining and renewables company. They want to mine aluminum there.
jessicalucie: And thank you. (cozy)
M-Doll0809A : Well said.
M-Doll0809A : Yikes, the downside of avoiding american news is I miss world stuff, unless its brought up here - stay safe. Also, I agree. Also, [some of] those same hypocrites will also happily use unregistered copies of software, or use other people's stuff without permission.
Fearyfox(Reyn) : Perhaps you mean pirated rather than unregistered, because typically unregistered means legally purchased / downloaded, but without the extra perks that registration sometimes provides. And yes, there's a lot of hypocrisy.