演員Constance Wu也對此事發表過意見,我是認同他寫到: “Art doesn’t exist for the sake of awards, but awards DO exist to honor all that art is trying to accomplish in life. So context matters.”
(續前)Constance Wu(吳恬敏)在推特上也提到有被關切如果還想要事業生涯存續就不要再提這些議題(有部分大概是因為他的劇集"Fresh off the Boat"(菜鳥新移民,台灣也有播出)播映的電視台也會轉播奧斯卡)但是他推特寫" F my career then, I’m a woman & human first. That’s what my craft is built on." 呼應前面他說的,藝術雖重要但是人性的價值更高。
“The problem with Affleck or Gibson or Polanski or Allen winning awards isn’t just that it’s unfair,” Doyle writes. “It’s that someone else could be getting them. Someone else could be standing on that stage — maybe even holding that Best Director trophy, which, to date, only one woman has ever done.
By endlessly forgiving and validating abusive men, we tell women that the abuse they suffer is less important than some white guy’s right to get his point of view across. We lose those women’s stories, and their art, because we’ve told them they don’t count.”
Nerdy Wonka on Twitter
求丹佐嫌棄臉是沒看到人家臉很臭逆好可惜拉森沒辦法把獎盃摔在他臉上jamie on Twitter
這是Brie Larson打開信封並且必須念出Casey Affleck得獎時的表情
“Art doesn’t exist for the sake of awards, but awards DO exist to honor all that art is trying to accomplish in life. So context matters.”
至於奧斯卡, MEL GIBSON也還能提名, LA LA LAND大贏已經被質疑, 而且還是多年來一直被批評種族歧視的頒獎禮, 今次有黑人有獎, 我已經很意外了。