其實今天不開心不太想講感想(會太激動),這片萬萬不要心情不好的時候看,基層社運真的很慘,慘到另一半會忍不住想要保住妳的命,慘到需要烈士,但身為生理女性我會推薦看看,其實我想推薦所有人看──但我不知道該怎麼辦,想到 Ben Whishaw 這個角色總是讓我感到絕望,既得利益者/在社會中沒有疼痛地生活著的人,我有權利逼他睜開眼睛嗎? 但不是這樣的對吧,「就像那時候為了美國女性投票權而努力的人一樣~(這兩方陣營都有男有女喔,絕對不是分性別而戰,而是依良心而戰)」
我看書跟電影都是跟時事ㄌㄚˇ在一起的,想到 Maud 是多麼誠懇地跟國會議員們說:「我只是在想──我們或許可以──可以用一種不同的方式過這一生。」(I thought that - we might. That this life - there's another way of livin' this life.)想到之後那滿室的理解與同情,和面對結果的背叛感。 雖然台獨好青年們完全是不齒的,但我肯定是同情黃先生多一點,那是他的一生吶!
Maud:「We break windows, we burn things. Cause war's the only language men listen to! Cause you've beaten us and betrayed us and there's nothing else left!」 Steed:「And there's nothing left but to stop you.」 Maud:「What you gonna do? Lock us all up? We're in every home, we're half the human race, you can't stop us all.」
關於本片海報背景主色,是向英國女權運動致敬。 Purple…stands for the royal blood that flows in the veins of every suffragette…white stands for purity in private and public life…green is the colour of hope and the emblem of spring. x
「The Time is Now」
elish 在前陣子母豬大戰的時候寫過一噗我至今忘不了。
他說 Maud 她們不過是被當炮灰,成就上層女權分子的大業,還說不必關押她們,就讓她們的丈夫處理。
Steed:「And there's nothing left but to stop you.」
Maud:「What you gonna do? Lock us all up? We're in every home, we're half the human race, you can't stop us all.」
You can't stop us all
至於就連小鳳都關注到的台獨好青年,自從我發現他發文是開朋友圈之後,我就突然覺得嗯,他也是忍耐我破壞他的同溫層好一陣子了 XD 不過我合理的懷疑此人只是留著我當笑柄啦~(也罷)
Purple…stands for the royal blood that flows in the veins of every suffragette…white stands for purity in private and public life…green is the colour of hope and the emblem of spring.
Never Surrender. Never give up fight. x