Sigyn Silica
Sigyn Silica
language in this one
Sigyn Silica I love this concept of an AU where Dipper is the Ford and Mabel is the Stan
Pacifica as the McGucket is not smth I've seen before but it is enthralling
Sigyn Silica "oh hey! twenty dollars!"
someone else is finally posting about gravity falls thank the Lord
also the first one got me
Also I really, really do not get the Fiddleford x Stan ship for at least two big reasons, but that's how it'd go if they met. Also why did they draw Stan's butt like that
Sigyn Silica
Why were you looking at Stan's butt Lee
...dang it I look bad in every way I could respond
Fiddleford + Stan doesn't really make sense, in my opinion, because a) Canon-Stan wasn't the nicest to Fiddleford and b) it would imply that Fiddleford roomed with a dude and then got with his identical twin, which just points to Fiddauthor for me
But I'm probably biased and I admit they could have a cute dynamic
Sigyn Silica
XDXDXD I literally did not know which picture you were talking about until you pointed it out
well his butt just sort of stood out to me I don't know what to tell you
Sigyn Silica
I'm laughing so hard right now h e l p
Sigyn Silica
ngl I also don't ship Stan and Fiddleford, mainly for reason b that you mentioned but I saw a twenty dollar bill and knew Lane would get the DuckTales reference if I posted it plus I like the way the artist draws youngish!Stan
Agreed, glad it was posted even if that got a little. I don't even know
hOw diD yOu nOt nOtiCe tHe bUtT
oh hi Lane I was talking to Human but did you notice the butt
Because I think Eden is drawing conclusions about me
...please tell me you didn't just appear only to make the reference and then disappear again
I didn’t notice but I didn’t look too hard XD
I wasn't looking too hard I'm just observaaaaant
Sigyn Silica
to be fair I am quite oblivious
H a
Sigyn Silica
the conclusion I have drawn based on this conversation is: Lee noticed Stan's butt
from this I can extrapolate theories
but no facts
exactly, there are no facts
Lane's the one that was thirsting over the zombie fighting scene
Sigyn Silica
okay yeah that was a very interesting Lane Moment
I think you can get some very strong theories from that
Sigyn Silica
I was about to say I've thirsted over worse but I'm struggling to think of an example
Sigyn Silica
I'm now realizing the things I thirst over are surprisingly tame
Sigyn Silica
if it helps Lane I do understand where you're coming from
zombie punching is a completely understandable activity to thirst over and it was very impressive on Stan's part
I don't really thirst over anything so I can't relate but yes, it's very understandable and I get a little "whoaaa" moment every time the bat breaks and he whips out the brass knuckles
I will stand by that till the day I die that scene is amazing and Stan is hot
honestly the fandom's beginning to agree with you
We've come a long way from the days of people systematically breaking down Stan and Ford's appearances and trying to analyze what they think makes Ford hotter
Ridiculous Stan is so obviously the hotter twin
I... well... okay...
Human What Do You Think
Sigyn Silica
well I love to be put onto the spot like this /hj
but I feel they are both differently attractive and therefore appeal to different audiences
okay, fair, and apologies for putting you on the spot
I'm not even arguing from a place of hotness/attraction honestly
just which is more aesthetically appealing
And I'm biased because my aesthetic is "distressed sleep-deprived Smart Person (author/scientist)"
Sigyn Silica
in terms of aesthetically appealing I do gotta say I like Stan better what with the whole "deeply insecure chaos gremlin who would steal your soul and most prized possessions if you look the other way"
he's everything I want to be in an uncle
Pfff that's very fair
I'm also just not romantically attracted to any fictional characters or celebrities or anything
Like is it normal to want to kiss those kinds of unattainable people? as a step in growing up and developing? because I skipped that step
Sigyn Silica
I think it's normal to want to but it's also normal not to want to, it just depends on the person
Sigyn Silica
personally I don't want to kiss fictional characters but I do find them attractive on a rare occasion?? it's a weird emotion but I sure do experience it
idk for me I suppose it is technically feeling attraction to a fictional character but it’s not in the same way as I would a real person
fictional emotions for fictional characters
which doesn’t make any sense but that’s how it goes
Sigyn Silica
no it does make sense, that's exactly what I mean
^ and for the record the idea of kissing Stan Pines is utterly horrifying to me
So we’re clear
He is hot though XD
Celebrities are a no though, I’ve never understood celebrity crushes
Fictional characters, sure
But not real actual people that I do not know
what about mullet stan if you were older?? mullet stan is wondrous. or teen stan
yeahhh the whole buzz about celebrities just feels invasive to me
honestly old Stan looks best XD
The others are totally fine and very handsome and I love them but Old Stan??? Fabulous
Kissing still sounds gross though
And yeah, exactly
Like fictional characters make sense to me because even if they’re not real, you can know things about them and have an emotional attachment
Celebrities? Nope
That’s a real human whose life
and personality I don’t truly know anything about
Being attracted to them feels like it’d be weird
huh, alright. i guess ive just been writing + reading a ton of mullet stan so that's what i think about more
I would not want to be famous ever unless it's for books bc then people care about the books and not me
Sigyn Silica
I feel like celebrities in general are viewed as a commodity by the public, and that's where a lot of the parasocial relationships crop up
These ppl really can't know anything about these folks they've never met, they only know what their art looks like, but they can buy and sell the art so they extend that to the ppl as well
Sigyn Silica
which is weird and I don't care for it