**When Tufts shared the demographics of the Class of 2028, it calculated percentages using a smaller denominator that did not include international students. We have recalculated the percentages for Tufts based on the entire freshman class, as this is standard practice.
***When Harvard shared the demographics of the Class of 2028, it calculated percentages using a smaller denominator that did not include international students or students who did not self-identify by race or ethnicity. We have recalculated the percentages for Harvard based on the entire freshman class, as this is standard practice.
*****Columbia is compared to a one-year average as data for the Class of 2026 was not available. Columbia used reported self-reported data that allowed multiracial students to be counted in multiple demographic groups. Chart: James S MurphySource: Data taken from institutional websitesCreated with Datawrapper
“When you see that these schools have no change in their Black enrollment and their Asian enrollment goes down, that is not indicative of taking race out of the equation, in my view,” Dr. Arcidiacono said.”
結果有些學校像哈佛和耶魯,黑人和拉美裔比例下降的沒有原來想像的這麼多。而且亞裔入學人數不增反減(但不願意disclose 種族的從 3%提升到 8%),另外耶魯和哈佛說他們加重了鄉村地區的錄取。
另外還有人質疑其實這些改變不大的學校偷偷做手腳,其實還是偷偷在錄取過程中考慮種族因素,像是在 personal essay 裡面提到種族對他們的影響(但不考慮種族歧視對亞裔或貧窮對白人學生的影響)。
再來就是可能還是在其他地方努力考慮一下,加上亞裔學生不願意 identify 種族
****Haverford did not provide demographic data for White students.
Chart: James S MurphySource: Data taken from institutional websitesCreated with Datawrapper
然後因為 Princeton 和 Yale 當初在作證的時候說錄取不考慮種族不可能建立一個 diversified student body,所以現在竟然可以,所以現在就也有人質疑那你現在怎麼做到這點的,還是你偷偷考慮種族了,是不是要公佈一下你怎麼弄的XD
But it dropped to 24 percent from 30 percent at Yale, to 23.8 percent from 26 percent at Princeton and to 29 percent from 35 percent at Duke.