Minnesota Nice just hit a roadblock. A family friend's son has been sick for a couple weeks. Strange illness that has him vomiting so much his mouth is blistered. It's horrible. Now she has it and is also in hospital. She won't say what the illness is. She put out a list of stuff she needs help with.
Perhaps too sick to ask nicely. She just lists the tasks she needs done emphasizing since she's been in hospital a week, it's all disgusting. She has said she won't tell what they have. "Sorry, not sorry."
So, the first reply was "I’m sorry but not knowing what z has I am not comfortable going into your home to clean and take the chance of getting it and giving it to my kids. Sorry Not sorry." And you know, I don't even feel bad. I mean. I understand she is sick and was under a lot of strain while her son has been sick. Really sick.
But the community responded by tripling her ask on GoFundMe and I get that being sick might make her more demanding, even rude, but asking people to clean her home is a bit much when she won't say what kind of illness they have. It's unlikely someone will catch anything from the house, but not impossible.
December 2019, on the 23rd, I went to visit my family for Christmas. My nephew was throwing up and deathly ill. No one told me, so I tried to just keep my distance from him. I caught it anyway. I puked and puked and puked for three days. I puked so hard, I couldn't breathe at times. I had to dig out my nebulizer. I thought I was dying.
I called no one. I told no one. I'm sure if I anyone had seen me after day two of that illness, I'd have been dragged to the hospital.
I've talked to several others who had the same vomiting thing. All between Dec. 2019 and March 2020, when the govt. officially declared we had Covid in our country. One of the science teachers and a nurse friend of mine both believe that the puking sickness was an earlier variant of Covid.
But the CDC hasn't said anything about the puking illness that came before the initial Covid-19 virus was outlined as attacking the lungs.
It's possible, though, that the puking variant that was around over Christmas that year could still be circulating.
She knows what they have, she just won't tell. "Sorry, not sorry." which is why the response was so salty.
Yeah, I wouldn't want to go into a house that someone that sick was in without knowing what to worry about. Obviously it's contagious. I'd help pay for professionals to clean instead.
Masha Runya
And notify said professionals in order to prevent them from getting sick.
yeeeeah, that's a bit much, asking for people to clean up after it but refusing to share what it is- whether it's just a friend OR a professional.
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