Prior to 2022, the International Boxing Association didn’t evaluate biological sex or male advantage with a chromosome or testosterone test. Instead, as the IOC is doing now, it relied on the athletes’ passports as a proxy for sex and/or eligibility for the female category.
If an athlete was entered into international competition by their domestic federation in the female category and their identity document said they were female, the IBA accepted that as proof of their eligibility.
According to the IOC, the IBA “suddenly” and “arbitrarily” changed its approach in 2023. The IBA says it started conducting at least some biological tests after the Tokyo Games—at its world championships in 2022—but that it only began excluding ineligible athletes beginning in 2023.
(1) setting the testosterone cutoff for eligibility for the female category at under 10 nanomoles/liter, several times higher than the levels typically produced by healthy female ovaries;
(2) requiring only a year of testosterone suppression, a step that only partially mitigates the advantages accrued over a post-pubescent male lifetime;
(3) suggesting the medicalization of healthy female-identifying athletes who might not otherwise choose to suppress their male-type testosterone production—was widely opposed. The IOC’s decision to turn away from the under-10 rule, as it’s sometimes known, should be seen as a good move whatever side of the debate you’re on.
(3) 建議將原本健康的、認同女性身份的運動員醫療化,使她們可能選擇抑制自身的男性類型睪固酮產生——這一做法遭到了廣泛反對。國際奧委會(IOC)決定放棄所謂的「10納摩爾/升規則」,無論你站在辯論的哪一方,這都應該被視為一個良好的舉措。
1. "under-10 rule" 指的是之前IOC規定女性運動員的睪固酮水平必須低於10納摩爾/升的規則。
2. "medicalization" 在這裡指的是將非醫療問題當作醫療問題來處理的趨勢。
3. 這段話涉及了有關跨性別運動員參賽資格的爭議話題。