I’m afraid I’m hyperfixating a little too much and accidentally hyping up the thunder saga more than it deserves and you guys will be disappointed if you ever listen to it XD if that makes sense
Sigyn Silica
I'm listening to it now
are there only five songs?
Which one are you listening to rn?
Sigyn Silica
right now Different Beast
Sigyn Silica
I'm so mad at Odysseus
Yeah killing them made narrative sense especially after what Poseidon "taught him" but he did not have to cut off their tails and let them drown
talk about No Mercy, the least you could do is Not torture them to death
Sigyn Silica
there's gotta be a kinder way to kill a siren
A lot of people are theorizing that they ate the tails or at least intended to
No confirmation but this is how Jorge responded to a video with that theory:
Sigyn Silica
Well then at least they didn't do it for no reason
Sigyn Silica
I'm loving Zoos' electric guitar tho
:0 are you on Thunder Bringer, then??
Sigyn Silica
I just finished
Sigyn Silica
and uh
no you did not oversell it
my head is reeling with moral implications
Sigyn Silica
Is Penelope even going to recognize him
He used to have such value for life that he wouldn't even kill when demanded to
abjlfkptqlybj that’s good
Favorite song??
we he did throw a baby off a wall that one time but yeah
Sigyn Silica
The worst thing is
The gods drove him to this
He's reacting to their choices and the things they did to hurt him
Like Zoos didn't need to say "you or your crew"
Athena didn't need to tell him to kill people, Poseidon didn't need to tell him ruthlessness is mercy
Sigyn Silica
Thunder Bringer made me cry, so probably that one
And I don’t know much about act 2 because I haven’t been keeping up with Jorge’s TikTok from the beginning like a lot of people but I believe there is a song where Penelope tells Odysseus how much he’s changed
So I can’t wait to cry over that someday
Sigyn Silica
I really liked Mutiny too
I'm so glad somebody's got a solid head on their shoulders around here. He had that coming
Sigyn Silica
Oh yeah the baby
that was a really long time ago :0
Literally Zeus could just Not
The baby and the crew
Neither one of those had to happen
He literally could’ve just not done that
With the crew he could’ve at the very least JUST killed Eurylochus, since he’s the one who killed the cow
Not forced Odysseus to choose
There was literally no reason at all
Sigyn Silica
But hey Hera threw a baby off a mountain and we all like her
Sigyn Silica
YEAH since when is it a fair trade to take one life versus the other fifty (there were fifty left, right?)
Sigyn Silica
It's giving Hunger Games
The big bosses in charge are orchestrating this and I can't even really blame the little guys for making horrific choices in the worst situations imaginable
This is why the Circe Saga is one of my favorites
Because the gods don’t just absolutely suck
Like Hermes was so helpful and lovely and silly and kinda flirting with Odysseus XD
Circe was scary at first yeah but then she helped and she had a reason to be that way
I think those two have been the only ones not to force Odysseus to do something bad
36, I believe
43 at the end of Ruthlessness, one guy died during the Circe ordeal and wasn’t mentioned in the actual musical, and then the six they lost to Scylla
But regardless
It’s insane
And to make the dude who was trying to stop them from killing the cows, who wasn’t even technically captain at that point, make the decision to kill them, is crazy
y e p
Like obviously Odysseus is doing horrible things and I’m mad at him but every single one was preventable
Hector’s son didn’t have to die, but Zeus used Odysseus’s family against him to convince him to kill him
Athena blamed Odysseus for his friends’ deaths when he didn’t kill Polyphemus, despite that not being the reason his friends died, to try
and convince him to listen to her lesson
Aeolus supported Odysseus, but let the winions lie to the crew, prompting Eurylochus to open the bag of winds, and she even suggested Odysseus kill anyone who tried to open the bag
Poseidon— yeah we know what his problem is XD
And of course Zeus in Thunder Bringer was horrendous
Those are all of his encounters with gods, excluding Hermes and Circe, who I’m not sure is considered a god
I don’t know her story
But still
Powerful beings
Hermes gave him the moly flower (he did know that Odysseus might die anyway, but he warned him and at least gave him something genuinely helpful)
Circe was going to kill his men, but it was to protect
her nymphs, who she says are like her daughters, and when she sees that Odysseus is a good man, she chooses to help, and respects his boundaries when he says he has a wife and won’t be unfaithful, even to save his crew
Anyway sorry for the ramble
Point is
Hermes and Circe >>>> the other gods XD
And I feel bad for Odysseus and all the soldiers having to become “monsters” to survive, and I feel bad for all the soldiers’ families who won’t ever see them again, and I feel bad for Penelope, who will be the only woman in Ithaca whose husband returns, only for her to barely
recognize him, and I feel bad for Telemachus, who’s probably grown up hearing stories of what a great king and soldier his father is, and will now meet a murderer instead
Sigyn Silica
Yeah I'm pretty sure Circe isn't a good but we all love Hermes
Never seen a version of that guy I didn't like, he's up there with Hephaestus for me. Ten out of ten wholesome rascal vibes
Sigyn Silica
*God not good
Sigyn Silica
You said earlier you weren't expected Hermes to be depicted that way, but how were you expecting him? I felt like he was pretty in-character
Sigyn Silica
But the whole idea is flipping the notion of the sea of Monsters on its ear
Maybe it's less that This Place Is Just Full Of Monsters, and more This Place Could Make A Monster Out Of Anyone
Sigyn Silica
I do feel bad for Telemachus
How much do you know of the original Odyssey?
I haven’t seen Hermes depicted a lot because unfortunately my canon event childhood Greek mythology hyperfixation didn’t last super long XD
But Epic Hermes just seemed... cooler than any other depiction I’ve seen if that makes sense XD
And y e p
And... absolutely nothing XD I was reading it but I haven’t gotten very far