give me a trait/quality/task/etc, and i'll tell you who in my roster is/was best and who's worst at it!
(but faye, you haven't finished the song meme. yeah i know. i will do both tho. i'm making myself be less picky. if you want to tag into that go for it, you'll end up with like, six bespoke songs at this rate lol)
(OR i'll get WAY less picky and literally hit shuffle like the original version and let spotify determine what the fuck the au is. likewise on this feel free to pick a trait i don't usually play!)
cleaning the kitchen
ooooh. you know, i'd say cam, but if we mean in game as is, she doesn't remember HAVING a kitchen
i am tentatively still going to say cam because she picks up on how to do things quickly and she's BY FAR the neatest
in terms of actual knowing how to clean and with what and how to handle appliances, my oc teddy, but just because they know HOW doesn't mean they REMEMBER/ARE INSPIRED TO DO IT. whereas cam would probably look it up bc she wants her space neat
Driving a racecar, winning at jeopardy, changing a diaper
building a bonfire
𝕤𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕥𝕙 𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝
giving CPR
sith-in-law : driving a racecar: oooh i like this one! none WELL. if you could guarantee no seizures, teddy has the best chance, especially if it's street racing and/or stock car. (if eponine is as she was in her last game, she would drive a motorcycle the best.) the worst would be...kit, because she's never SEEN a car. well, the worst who can reach the gas.
winning at jeopardy: it HIGHLY MATTERS what the categories are but mira has a real edge bc she's doing a phD in astrophysics AND she's pretty solidly versed in pop culture, if usually a few years behind the cutting edge (and prefers stuff a few decades old).
like, cam would have a real chance if she knew ANYTHING about earth history, but by the nature of her universe, she doesn't; teddy's the MOST aware of political news, classic lit and technical music stuff, but they're not really into pop culture and their geography sucks.
eponine and luke would do better than they think they would. grantaire would get distracted by a tangential fact about one of the answers and want to talk about that instead.
changing a diaper: hmmmm! probably eponine: i'm not sure mme thenardier did much child care and yet, there are multiple children who lived past the age of 11 in that family
and cloth transfers to modern plasticy ones well enough
the WORST at changing a diaper would be ....i think camber would probably just refuse to do it, lol.
pharadyne : building a bonfire! this depends (a little bit) on if what you mean is just "a fire in the woods to stay warm" or "literally, the best at creating a huge symbolic fire"

the first, I think kit, teddy, eponine, luke and bran could do (r could certainly start a fire but -- in a fireplace) and cam could figure out but wouldn't get done as fast
(cam being tlt cam, not camber - when i talk about them together camilla gets to be cam)
(camber could, however, help make an existing fire really strategically big if someone else started it.)
i am disqualifying pen from this round because "i made a giant fire with magic" is not fair, but, technically, he would be the best at starting and making a signal/ritual fire and, probably has had to do it. bran is, interestingly, i think the one who'd be best at both starting and building up a really large fire. teddy has apparently also done this.
sometimes they just show up and tell you things.
kit would absolutely set something on fire trying to do this. mira wouldn't be able to get the fire STARTED.
𝕤𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕥𝕙 𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝 : from established gameplay, cam ACTUALLY knows how to do this and it really makes sense that she should. little!luke would obviously be the worst, but i think adult!luke would ALSO be the worst bc he'd be too traumatized: he's both seen someone dying in a strangly way and i feel like he's almost certainly seen someone overdose
sith-in-law : loll which one, camber just like "no. take this fucking baby."
sith-in-law : lolll I need to throw Camber into things more. I never end up getting to play her long for various reasons (mostly, weird games that die) but she keeps hanging around. She’s extremely unapologetic and very up front which is super uncommon for my OCs but can be REALLY fun.
HAHAHAHAHAHA definitely, I have a char like that
sith-in-law : they're great! i'm glad i created Teddy for Silent Spring: it definitely got me thinking about ALL my OCs again - it's been a while since I've been in an OC friendly game