
Ah, done with everything, settling into free time, feeling ready to catch up: annnd tornado warning. Which is probably not going to be anything bc waves Chicago, but jfc really?
Me: finally stops dicking around and settles in to do a couple hours of work and tag, blithely ignoring the sudden hail and windPower: abruptly goes out:|||
I’m so overtired idk if I can sleep. I just want to write/be writing/have written. (And do that 5 songs meme)? Buuut I only have like 2,3 hours left so maybe? & then next week can be better.
Work is a Situation for the next couple of days; may be scarcer than i want to be, though I hope next week gets to the ‘MORE available’ bit. (cont)
Sometimes the news makes me think the real appeal of horror games is that at least the monsters are reasonably equal opportunity. Fuck.
nsfw otp prompt generator : throw our CR (or total crackship/characters who have never met but should/etc) in and tell me what happens!
yaaay new doc appt went well, adhd meds are BACK (and possibly getting delivered tonight??), I am eyeing ‘not being a fatigued squirrel 300% of the time’ with hope
Ah yes, couldn’t sleep all night, now have ...three and a half hours to sleep before a psych appointment with a new doctor that I need to prescribe me meds
[TDM] threw Cam into the saltburnt TDM for funsies; might throw teddy or grantaire (votes are welcome) in once i get some sleep
Okay. I think I’m probably, with quests and all, going to prioritize moving ahead to July stuff while working on old tags piecemeal as I can get to them instead of just waiting for myself to do EVERYTHING (cont)
Welp, woke up, managed to spiral about being in a ‘late on things so now can’t do them’ rut, on to ‘’not enough time for anything’ and straight to ‘oh god new doctor/appt’ panic attack and now I’m wide awake panic hopping
Weird question. Any Life Makeover fans? Anyone who wants to be? (Super customizable fashion game, also life simulator (tho not required); easy to play for free. GREAT photo mode.)
woo, got a psych appointment in for two days from now! ....so why do I feel SO MUCH MORE STRESSED
at what point (given that work is prolly evening if not night) do I just give up on getting any more sleep lol
Had a productive Monday, got a migraine just as I conquered anxiety and got to my old af tags, now abruptly awake (with sort of the CADENCE of the first episode Silt Verses in my head??) and not sure what to do 🤔
Another song, this one a bit more hopeful:Godrevy PointI commented the lyrics bc there isn't any CC on it.It's important to me, and I need to remember it sometimes. Any other music today will be in this one, I promise. <3
Julien Baker - "Turn Out The Lights"•Claws in Your Back Where I’m at at the moment.
Or I could just fall on and off asleep all day until bedtime. [edit: figured out, though no less fff]
Trying to be both.gentle and stern with myself this weekend. (It is okay to take a nap! Also quit interpreting everything as failure!)
I can’t sleep, why not. Are my characters monsterfuckers.
I meant to end early and do tags and then I got a good task and now it’s 3:30?? But now I only need like 3-5 hours in the next two days so helll yeah, family time AND tag time for me this weekend.
Can someone pay me to RP why is capitalism(esp why is capitalism AND executive dysfunction)
Bleh, taking a look at weather alerts and I’ve rarely been so glad to be Midwestern in the summer. Stay cool and hydrated coastal folks! 💕
(of course, now that i'm working, teddy is awake, wanting to get back to EVERYONE, and also thinking about death, and life, and gods.)
ok. doing work now. (i have headphones on and it sounds like my neighbors are having a land war)
We’re watching UK results come in with the metamour so I’m just saying the fireworks are for Labour right now 🎇🎆
Why is fireworks neighbor setting off mortars periodically in the middle of daylight. (For hours). YOU’RE JUST SCARING ANIMALS AND PTSD SUFFERERS
GODDAMN that last (quarter/third?). Despite being spoiled for many large reveals I think I’m going to be unpacking parts of Vol 3 for A WHILE (/pos)
wow, giant mood dive? wtf ...
one of the best-worst things about these books are the long stretches where I don’t know if ANYTHING I’M READING is really happening. I mean this sincerely.