Free Star🌟💫🔥
Sitting all bundled up on my couch because it’s 1C outside. (15.5C inside-I’m pretty sure upstairs is about 14C) That’s just above the freezing point for you Fahrenheit folk. Plus I’ve got a double double glass of Jameson’s Black Barrel whiskey which is so delicious! Yes, I realize that’s a quadruple but a double double sounds better somehow.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
A few days back it took all I had not to open that bottle because it would’ve been used as a coping mechanism. Tonight it’s just a well deserved treat and it’s the weekend. Not that that really matters. It’s always the weekend here. LOL Definitely enjoying the buzz and some telly. Ok, back to the show now! Have fun plurk fam. Be kind to yourselves!
That's awfully chilly in the house!
joins you in having a whisky 🥃🥃
Free Star🌟💫🔥
dkronfeld : yeah I’m a cheap ass mother fucker! LOL I do have an electric heater in the bedroom and living room that I use for about an hour at a time. The whiskey is making me warm though so cheers! 🥃🥃🥃🥃 pours you a double double
Proost! Poddles deep, bottom to top and all that good shit.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
dkronfeld : steel ice cubes too. FTW!
Oooo.. Writing code with a quad-whisky: This should make for some great WTF moments when I'm debugging it in a couple of years 😆
Ach! No ice! Whisky is for drinking neat :-P
(I kid... Have it how you like it and I won't judge)
Free Star🌟💫🔥
dkronfeld : no matter to me. It was super nice. Sometimes I do it neat but the steel ice cubes are just so cool. (No pun intended)
I’m definitely pleasantly buzzed.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Whisky yes but whiskey can go either way. JS
Free Star🌟💫🔥
How’s the coding going?
At the moment I'm in a Zoom call but it's not bad
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Come on and zoom zoom, we’re gonna zoooommm. Come on give it a’s your ticket to flyyyy high!! Come on and zoooommmm. Come on and zoom zoom!
I wonder if anyone else remembers that?
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Oh fuck it’s after 5am. I need to get up to bed.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Just so you know, it’s a real thing! LOL Crazy 70’s. I absolutely loved this show!
Original 1972 ZOOM Theme Song Intro
Stereo Nacht
And warm up quickly!
15°C inside? Only in the bedroom for me pls :-D
TIL there was a show called ZOOM. during my hitch overseas I missed some things back home. I came back to the US in 1973 to new bands, new styles, and new fads. It's been a while since I ran across one of those gaps in my social education
I am keeping at 17°C in house to keep it dry and mold free
Free Star🌟💫🔥
sjonsvenson : mostly 16C indoors here. With the portable heater I get the living room to about 19C but I only run it for an hour or two at a time then as the room cools off I turn it on again. If it’s really cold then I bake something in the oven too. LOL
I’m frugal or crazy, take your pick.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
When Yak was still here we had it set between 20-22.5 depending upon what room he was in. At night we put it down to 18. He was always like a mini furnace so if I ever got chilly I’d just snuggle up to him and it was wonderful. He loved it too-he told me so. He was THE BEST cuddle and snuggler ever. It was heaven in his arms. I miss that the most.