Happy New Year! i'm hoping 2024 is kinder to us all- i know for me, it has been my hardest year to date. it's going out with a funeral and a flu i've had for a month (the not being able to sleep for more than a couple of hours due to the body aches is getting REALLY old). it's the year i lost the sweetest and softest cat i was lucky enough to spend 20
years of my life with. a huge chunk of it was spent on renovating a property that really....should not have needed as much work as it did, but, well, that whole situation was a mess. while we've all dodged Covid (or so say the tests, even with this lingering sick- the cough also, really really old), it's not been the best for health in general. i got to
have the most extensive dental work i've ever needed this year (it's a back tooth, at least, so i'm not quite in the same boat as Max! but i've been blessed with pretty strong teeth, so this was quite a bit out of the norm). assorted RL business stuff has been...frustrating, annoying, and all over a colossal pain in the ass. mostly i'm trying to forget
this year as much as possible! and hope to never see its like again, thank you very much.
Wishing you a much better new year!
Wishing you and yours a much happier new year in 2024.
Clara 🦄
Polyester P
Here's to a better year
Wishing you a happier and less tooth-invasive 2024.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Yeah that’s a lot. You’re not alone and guess what, you made it! Hopefully this new year is better for all of us l
Mostly Phen
I can relate a lot and look forward to a better 2024! Happy New Year!
Hoping for a much better year for you
happy new year, may 2024 be a better year for you <3
Uncle Flofituli
this year we're thriving not surviving <3
All the best for 2024 after that mess!
MarvelMouse 🐭
Wishing you the absolute best for 2024.
Tillor Swift
Whew I hope 2024 is better for everyone
I hope this year is better for you, Alle, and that you feel better soon. (cozy)