Mouth Powers
flood stuff CW brief mention of SA and suicide while discussing character backstory (will not be the focus of in-game flood time)
Mouth Powers
bringing you two useless sad babies tbh
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yedwin gonna hover
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Mouth Powers
This Jedao at all times:
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He will protecc no one had better try messing with Jedao
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Mouth Powers
i love it very much
Mouth Powers
also idk how it will come up exactly but a non-trivial chunk of this Jedao's self-loathing is about being a "disgusting monster"/not human
Mouth Powers
need Angry Peptalk Yellow telling him humans aint shit lol
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coming right up
oh no baby Jedao
Mouth Powers
running away from Hakkai so he doesn't ruin him
Mouth Powers
and also because he KNOWS Hakkai knows about Dhanneth even though he doesn't remember building up the trust to tell him
Mouth Powers
never look at him
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Yedwin planting his crown on jedao's head and refusing to leave
Mouth Powers
ahaha yellow no don't do this to yourself ;; he is a cesspit and no one else should feel like this /simultaneously having flashbacks to his creator possessing him and trying to stop Jedao killing him
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oh no
Mouth Powers
but at least Yellow will get some very incontrovertible evidence that Jedao DID used to feel everything all the time and it was very terrible, and it is possible to get from there to where he is now
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Mouth Powers
for a price the odds of Jedao seeking out Astarion to punish him are. significant
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And he'll get to practice some selflessness in not trying to take more of Jedao's body bc he's trying to be there for him
for a price
what. what did he do
Mouth Powers
1) slept with someone who had been mind controlled to be in love with him after that guy refused to listen to Jedao's 'no' several times; later that guy blamed jedao and killed himself in front of him, like, 15 minutes before this pull point. jedao did have his first ever puppy love on this guy
Mouth Powers
2) killed his Evil Master Creator who was the only other person who'd ever, like, not flinched flinched when Jedao entered the room, let alone been superficially nice to him (please ignore all the emotional manipulation and mind control)
Mouth Powers
3) failed to foresee that freeing his sentience enslaved spaceship from said evil master's control magic would result in it massacring every one of the troops on board that Jedao felt responsible for
Ms Properpants
.....Pre-Contract Sebastian approaching baby Jedao like "I can turn you completely human if you want :>" y/n?
Mouth Powers
4) used a new superweapon in his very first battle at, like, 2 weeks old, even though his ship was asking him not to. ship was also begging him not to follow his orders to destroy a spaceship manufacturing yard full of Alien Slave Babies slated to be new engines
Mouth Powers
Jedao did in fact try to not destroy the mothyard. was relieved of command. tricked his way out of the brig and back to the bridge, got shot multiple times, discovered he was an inhuman goo monster, used sheer terror to regain control of the fleet and order them not to do so many war crimes, then passed out from his injuries
Mouth Powers
woke up to discover that in his absence they had, in fact, still done the war crimes. this is also his fault
Mouth Powers
5) is a disgusting eldritch monster
Mouth Powers
in conclusion, Jedao would blame himself for literally anything despite having his agency gutted and its corpse puppetteered around as war propaganda for his entire brief life at this point
Mouth Powers
ANYWAY THAT'S WHY HE'S LIKE THAT, I haven't even talked about everything but those are the big ones please will someone hurt him
Mouth Powers
Ms Properpants idk if he would actually accept but Sebastian should absolutely offer, he will be wildly tempted
Ms Properpants
Excellent, can do. Aaaand since I highly doubt Hakkai will actually give him back his powers (he'll ask Kira🌵 ) they won't be able to form a contract, so I also offer Sebastian to be like "ew, eldritch baby" and hurt him.
Mouth Powers
ooooh nooo by which I mean yessss
Mouth Powers
also Sebastian gives BIG kujen vibes
Mouth Powers
so Jedao is simultaneously Extremely Wary, triggered™, grieving, guilty, and a little horny
Mouth Powers
the vibes are largely superficial which is why Jedao is very chill about him in the modern timeline but baby jedao is gonna have a harder time
Ms Properpants
Poor baby Jedao. This just proves that Sebastian is and always has been great with kids.
Mouth Powers
if he says this after the flood Jedao will laugh so hard omg
Mouth Powers
just that slightly-hysterical post-crisis laughing. will probably hug sebastian about it
Mouth Powers
but it will get Sebastian out of apologizing
Ms Properpants
Hahaha, please do hug him. He'll be so "................." about it.
I think I might leave nico unaffected, so it could be a good way for him to meet kahl? He'll take care of you buddy :x
Mouth Powers
ahhhh yes please
Mouth Powers
Kahl will Cling
the world is a scary place
Mouth Powers
he's not scared of being hurt he's just scared of everyone disappearing and him being alone again
Mouth Powers
when he was a baby no one played peakaboo with him and it shows
I mean, sometimes people do that... but then if you're lucky you might find more people
Mouth Powers
seems unlikely
how do you feel about teen roman and jedao hangin out my guy
and by 'hanging out' i mean lets touch on those themes of being disgusting etc etc
unlikely but not impossible!
Mouth Powers
ɴᴇʟsᴏɴ. yes omg this jedao is extremely shellshocked but also still is kind of like "why was I selected to be the attack dog at the end of the world, i'm literally a dumb freshman who's good at video games and is horny for my roommate??????" so there's absolutely a teen level he'd respond on
Mouth Powers
also just know if Roman sarcastically/angrily orders Jedao to suck his dick the possibility of Jedao just dropping to knees is not zero
dog motifs? Dog motifs. Let's dog motifs.
Mouth Powers
jedao was bred to be an attack dog and a lap dog and that's why he's insane