英國:員工對於BBC的女性專案中包含男跨女感到失望 BBC staff ‘cross and upset’ at course for female rep... BBC staff ‘cross and upset’ at course for female representation that includes trans women 整篇都滿值得看的,提到男人的存在會大大改變內容、焦點,還提到另一個專案用男跨女濫竽充數,填補女性名額👀
It comes after the company was accused of “disappearing women” last year by allowing a 50-50 quota for programme guests to be filled by those who self-identify as female.
The 50:50 equality project, founded by the news presenter Ros Atkins in 2017, urges BBC editors to monitor the number of contributors on their programmes to gather data and set diversity benchmarks, with the aim of at least half being women.
However, a trans row ensued after the corporation’s methodology said that “content-makers monitor the gender identity of their contributors with the aim of featuring at least 50 per cent women – they do not monitor whether a contributor’s gender differs from their sex registered at birth”.
BBC staff ‘cross and upset’ at course for female rep...
BBC staff ‘cross and upset’ at course for female representation that includes trans women