🍂⌒(>。<) BIZ
The prednisone for my sinus infection launched me into an anxiety attack. This is so rude. It's been five hours of .
.........don't be my dog, biz!!!!! no yips!
🍂⌒(>。<) BIZ
113 resting bpm. I'm failing to convince myself that elevated heart rate is a possible and normal response to this medication, and that it is even a med used for treating a literaxl infection, which can also raise bpm, and also. Like. The tightness in my chest is documented EXTENSIVELY as being ALL IN MY HEAD.
net-zero trauma
113 is not actually very high by panic attack standards and this is indeed a known side effect in humans, please believe me if you cannot convince yourself and try to breathe through it. also do not keep taking it, they can probably get you something less reactive.
🍂⌒(>。<) BIZ
Took a long and hot shower and only feel worse. Wish I could walk down to ma's and have company. Distraction would be great right now. Being on my phone isn't enough. I need the Food Network playing in the background and ma occasionally clearing her throat.
net-zero trauma
the sprays are annoying but will also help without these effects
net-zero trauma
how about you play a game and hop on a call at once?
🍂⌒(>。<) BIZ
net-zero trauma : Yeah this is the standard freak out bpm for me. Bullshit that this happens often enough that I know my normal!! Boo!!!
🍂⌒(>。<) BIZ
I took my sleeping meds and they'll knock me out if I can convince my lizard brain not to instinctively fight against it. I know lizard brain just wants me to be safe, but lizard brain is very dumb.
net-zero trauma
chill out plz lizard brain we know what is causing it!
does the thing work for you where you try to clench all your muscles really tight for a few seconds and then release them? I've started doing that when my anxiety gets SUPER bad to try and trick my lizard brain into thinking there was a danger, but it's passed
I'm so sorry, for a moment I was like 113 isn't THAT high and then remembered I have pots, my heart rate is NOT a good gauge for other people's
I do wish I could trade you my response to pred temporarily though, that shit made me feel the best I'd felt in years health wise (aside from the killer sore throat it was treating)
wo ai ni ★
Oh nooo
🍂⌒(>。<) BIZ
Briefly got up to 162 before crashing for nine hours. My usual resting is 86. Prednisone will not be taken again and I'll just rely on the antibiotics.
holy fuck
🍂⌒(>。<) BIZ
wâfel : Alas, the fast tiger trick doesn't work very well for me. Exercise and stretching through it doesn't help, though that's what I have someone do if they're having an attack with me.
net-zero trauma
good good, no more steroid for biz plz
net-zero trauma
if you need an extra boost for inflammation, call about a nasal spray version