This woman & I were co-conspirators in our contempt for our high school world history teacher. Our books were published before we were born because if he got new books, he would have to make new worksheets and lesson plans.
https://images.plurk.com/6HuC1Vqm9eEHztIgBv5MrN.png https://images.plurk.com/11wcf0wMyOEqdkShazjalk.png
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I had a teacher I felt the same about.
Same. He taught Social Studies.
In college, my first class, actually, the professor teaching College Algebra got new books but never updated his syllabus. What he taught was not on the test. We had a 60% grading curve to get someone to an 80%.
✨Skye : Was he a coach? Our WH teacher was the basketball coach and a little famous in Minnesota because our small town routinely defeated much bigger schools in the district and usually went to state. Coaching was his job security because no one thought he was a decent teacher.
(((Cajsa))) : Worse...he was an Evangelical Baptist Preacher in his spare time, and colored all his lessons with religion. Which, being in a public school, my cynical Gen X classmates and I rolled our eyes over, and made fun of him for.
Mine handed out a worksheet on Monday. We quietly completed the worksheets on M - W. On Thursday we took a test/quiz. On Friday we read the Star Tribune. Every week. He could go without talking for days. It was all automatic. He never once delivered an lecture.
Our class was next to the teacher's lounge and he spent most of the hour there smoking