
@dove_packet - 推特隨意看 我不說新語跨性別抹滅女性運動 英國醫學評議會刪除母親一詞,順便...

Women's health writer is censored on Always website

When Ms Hill raised it with an editor at the website, she was told Always wanted it to use 'inclusive language' because 'not everyone who has periods identifies withthe label girl/woman'.
'My words had been changed to fit an ideological agenda, which is a rather terrifying thought experiment that I don't think the people at Always – in their quest for 'inclusivity' – have given much thought to.'
In the article, Ms Hill wrote that periods were 'a normal part of the experience of being female'. This was changed to remove the word 'female'. Meanwhile, a reference to'all women'was also amended so it became 'all bodies'.
female 被刪除,women 被改成bodies
After complaining, some of Ms Hill's original quotes were restored. However, the article was later taken down from the website.
Feminists slam Always after ditching Venus logo from...

Feminists have slammed sanitary towel-maker Always after their decision to remove the ‘Venus’ symbol,the female sexual identity mark, from their wrapping.