Stereo Nacht
Almost done clearing the floor of the storage room. It went faster than expected. I also have a load of laundry drying on the line. With the sun and heat, I might even be able to do a second one. But now, small pause for water. I hope you are all having a great day!
(p-rock) Way to go. I'm cleaning yet another section of our rug, with decluttering to come as we move everything back.
Stereo Nacht
Qwis : Good for you!
Stereo Nacht
And I am done. Or pretty much. The floor is clear, I even swept it; I'll only have to vacuum and wash it, once the new one is in, and the old one out. Of course, I still have shelves to cut and install, and to order everything, BUT! It no longer looks daunting.
Stereo Nacht
I'Ll see if I also install a shelf in the mechanical room, so I can store the 12-feet long baseboards and other leftover wood. That would clear up some noticeable floor space in the sewing and weaving area.
Stereo Nacht
The main problem is: it would be on the wall where the lights are, so it may darken considerably the place. Once I have a decent garage, I could put all the stuff there, so it may be a temporary solution, which would be good.
Stereo Nacht
Anyway. Enough for today; tomorrow I go learn new needlework techniques! (Well, new to me!)
Stereo Nacht
And I forgot about preparing a lunch for tomorrow... I'll have to think of something tonight.
Squeak =^..^=
Had a pig of a day, actually.
Got some chocolate delivered from UK. Took 6 days fur delivery. Everything molten to destruction.
Went to the train set - slow, hot, painful.
Home now - hug my dog (so pig day is finished).