omfg this ENTIRE. MONTH. OF EVENTS. well I’m glad the full cam/pal body swap didn’t happen...[edit: took that off her catch-all. you never saw that. no one interacted so no rule 63 occurred. BUT PLEASE SEE HER MEMORIES! ALSO PLOT WITH ME /caps]
As soon as I’m back awake I’m gonna make this a planning post. EXCITED.
Also, intend to tag like a mfer over the next few days.
lololol in another plurk, Jordan was like THIS IS WHY WE SAID NO FULL BODYSWAP lololol
also laughing at the "get accused of each other's crimes" because I;m pretty sure Cam and Pal have all the same crime
i mean, she probably killed that guy down the hall without him ...
but he probably takes the lion's share of compelling the sixth to secede albeit in her body, so i'm not sure if uh, the entirety of the oversight body is aware (they probably were)
i'm just imagining this month being like weird lyctoral-possibility hell. god, poor Pal
lololol true, there is at least one Cam-specific murder 😂
Oh god I’m imaging they both think they’re doing a really good job keeping the secret from the Sixth...until Juno and Kiki finally corner them
Pffft omg
Pal piloting Cam, pretending to be her speaking on his behalf would be truly awful and they'd both be super broken up about NOT being able to tell them and Juno and Kiki would be like, passing notes like "that's your son, bc it's NOT my sister" "oh, I know"
“Should we tell him we know?” “Not yet, he’s trying so hard.”
"did he tell you about the contingency plan...thing?" "Oh, before he left, I don't quite think he meant this, but well." "At least he was up front. I always know when C's keeping secrets but she's SO STUBBORN about it"
i keep rereading yours, haha, it's SO popcorn.gif i love it
crime: lying BADLY
for Cam: sneak-reading Pal's unfinished erotica (idek, i'm thinking of funny ones. I'm still like CAM IT'S THE END TIMES LET UR NECROMANCER WRITE FANFIC)
Becca oh! i'm also fascinated to see the answer to this and if it's not the opposite of the other answer because the idea of having TWO necromancers wandering around suddenly is REALLY INTERESTING
i mean for me it's really interesting ANYWAY
bc obviously i want to do a full swap on them, even if they swap with other people too
and ...i'm just trying to imagine pal talking cam through suddenly being an adept and her being like, simultaneously, not quite able to use things and probably, being suddenly psychometric, a little like "oh my god everything is so LOUD"
I was thinking this exact same thing! It would be VERY fun to, say, have them go exploring the ships, with Pal talking Cam through psychometrics and the like
Becca : ooh yes! Totally down for this
would cam spar with an old lady to be given a sword
Um, maybe? Lollll. How badass is the old lady?
This sounds like a fairy deal lol
I vote yes for Need and Cam sparring
Except backwards. Like instead of ‘you didn’t help an old lady’ it’s ‘you didn’t want to kick an old lady’s ass’

I mean, she definitely has some stress to get out
Becca : I’m imagining Cam glancing at Pal and Pal just like
I feel like I already thought Need sounded like she’d be cool to hang out with
lol. well, need doesn't have her full sword ability but she has some of it
she's big and strong for a seventy year old and wouldn't be as easily defeated as one might fear but yeah I think cam wins this one lol
she picked up some Real Swords and other weapons in an event earlier and is kinda hoarding them but will give them to people who satisfy her that they can use them
also sparring would involve fake swords from the same event tbh she'd rather not cut or be cut up for something like this
Cam is in total agreement on not using Real Swords for sparring that is meant to be sparring and not a flimsy excuse for a duel, and also she would be super happy to have ANYONE to spar with :-D
need only wants to hand out her few real weapons to people who can make good use of them
but she does, also, enjoy sparring and general sword training
(also duels but old lady is too practical to be like yay risk for no reason)
cam would be ECSTATIC to have a real weapon, and she would love both sparring and, honestly, someone who knows more. she's been the best in House for a while but a) she's just remembering all that (i still have to GIVE her some skill, backdated, tbh, bc i didn't realize you could do that whenever) and b) that's relative
need's fighting style is (usually) not showy. she's fast and strong and tends to get hurt along the way (because she's also a specialist healer and tanking damage is just part of it)
can throw knives, not that she knows that yet
yeah I can see cam liking her lol
andalite! : oh for SURE. XD and cam would also vibe with taking damage in order to be able to heal; she can’t, but as it is she can just be attached at the hip to someone whose specialty shouldn’t be medical but is, anyway (and make sure he doesn’t get himself killed)

I found it really interesting that need is kinda a ...adoptive mom/patron saint of --
-- those fighting oppression and particularly patriarchy, given the point Cam (and the rest of the Sixth/Troia Cell) are in in the books, and the way John’s version of imperialism/theocracy is positioned vs Alecto. but also Cam’s specific little details like (probably)(I mean...let’s just say the quiet part) offing that one guy who beats his partner etc
(And it also made me think about the fact that Cam and Pal are 22 at most by the end of Nona. Babies! Jfc.)
yup! need is dedicated to primarily but not exclusively women and in particular those who would be used and discarded by people who think they'll face no consequences. there's a line in by the sword -
"Abuse and misuse, emotional and physical; rape, murder, torture. Evil working in subtler fashion; marriages that proved to be no more than legalized slavery, and the careful manipulation of a bright and sensitive mind until its owner truly believed with all her heart in her own worthlessness.
Betrayal, not once, but many times over. All the hurts that could be inflicted when one person loved someone who in turn loved no one but himself."
these are what stirs her the most! when she's 'asleep' these make her furious and determined to force her bearers to do something; when she's awake she doesn't let it on as clearly but it shows here and there.
so lol it's often easy to have her want to take someone under her wing
and yes, babies
heh I usually have need kind of metaphorically assign someone an age in her head that's anywhere from six to nineteen
Omg she pulls a Mercy on people I love it. ‘What are you, 12?”
andalite! : also oof I love this quote and although she’s fortunate that the most important person in her life wants nothing but her well being, I think Cam would too, given the vague allusion to the abusive guy and how he mysteriously leaves and never comes back after she ‘talks to him’.

(Also I wish a bit I was playing Eponine --
-- in a game with Need. I haven’t been motivated to tag in her game for whatever reason (and that’s super self perpetuating) but she, while also a knifey teen/young adult, IS very much the girl Need’s talking to there/one who’s still dealing with having survived it. Especially as I play her as in The Brick, mostly, and it gives her life more detail.)
need knows they're older but she does also refer to everyone as children a lot lol