I feel like I'm forgetting all the things I said I'd tag into o_O Help
okay, being an overwhelmed newbie. gonna finish my actual tags and tag in tomorrow. if i've said i will tag you please remind me! i'm super excited for ALL THE CR and i don't ...actually know how to start (it's also been a while since i played a game with month-long OTAs, so that's a bit of it)
I’ve got something for Cam in Pal’s post when you’re ready for it! Captcha Check
Also a couple of folks are interested in the tag team thread and you can tag next if you like!
if you have a log I can hit that
Aizawa is here and you're welcome to Wildcard
I know my options have no in-between but the first is Walkie Talkie specific
the second, if played right, may have a Secret Appearance that my post title and cut refers to
Becca : thank yoooou I had lost track of the link and was like ‘shit where is it’
Also will tag the RR sometime today!! Good call. brain is being bad rn but am very into that.
Whydunit : ooh all good notes thank you! That helps a lot And that reminds me I meant to have cam reply to the bulletin board explanation.

I don’t have a log up YET but intend to fix that soonish, pending brain storms 🧠🌩️
oh no I had that. I've been having Sleepy Bitch Disorder and evidently Hormone Problems all week
Whydunit : FAIR. The Hormone Problems are, well, problems for me too rn (and make all the other stuff worse. Like they do) :-(((