Freyja 金
Today's recommended video in my YouTube feed:
C.S. Lewis' stepson, Douglas Gresham tells us of his...
oooo apa ini, sounds like tea
Freyja 金
CS Lewis was so Christian that he did not preach but he showed it through his life, why am I not surprised. The man was best friends with Prof. Tolkien. (haha) And he was actually a delightful person? He was happy to be interrupted when writing? Well, it's clear why he could write Narnia.
Freyja 金
Note to self: I need to watch Shadowlands
Freyja 金
I thought it would be scandalous, but Douglas spoke of him fondly, and admired him not as a star writer, but as man to look up to. Eh, I did not come for wholesomeness and yet here I am. (haha)
kan ceritanya Lewis itu atheist, dan Tolkien devout roman catholic. Terus mereka tuker-tukeran naskah karya mereka itu.
Terus karya Lewis sangat kristen dan karya Tolkien dianggep ... apa ya... apa itu namanya, bid'ah.
/ngakak in Indonesian
Freyja 金
⠀M⠀ : Ya, itu aku ketawa sih karena Douglas bilang beliau sangat Christian. Tbh people who act like Christians the most are usually not the ones that call themselves a Christian (haha) I can totally understand why Douglas said so karena emang itu ajaran idealnya.
Di komentar di video itu ada yang komen (as expected) bilang CS Lewis bukan Christian