CS Lewis was so Christian that he did not preach but he showed it through his life, why am I not surprised. The man was best friends with Prof. Tolkien. And he was actually a delightful person? He was happy to be interrupted when writing? Well, it's clear why he could write Narnia.
I thought it would be scandalous, but Douglas spoke of him fondly, and admired him not as a star writer, but as man to look up to. Eh, I did not come for wholesomeness and yet here I am.
lol kan ceritanya Lewis itu atheist, dan Tolkien devout roman catholic. Terus mereka tuker-tukeran naskah karya mereka itu. Terus karya Lewis sangat kristen dan karya Tolkien dianggep ... apa ya... apa itu namanya, bid'ah. /ngakak in Indonesian
: Ya, itu aku ketawa sih karena Douglas bilang beliau sangat Christian. Tbh people who act like Christians the most are usually not the ones that call themselves a Christian I can totally understand why Douglas said so karena emang itu ajaran idealnya. Di komentar di video itu ada yang komen (as expected) bilang CS Lewis bukan Christian
kan ceritanya Lewis itu atheist, dan Tolkien devout roman catholic. Terus mereka tuker-tukeran naskah karya mereka itu.
Terus karya Lewis sangat kristen dan karya Tolkien dianggep ... apa ya... apa itu namanya, bid'ah.
/ngakak in Indonesian
Di komentar di video itu ada yang komen (as expected) bilang CS Lewis bukan Christian