
Freyja 金
Just watched a streamer spend almost an hour climbing a big black rock in Elden Ring just to leave a message at its summit
Freyja 金
The most annoying, yet hilarious advice gamers would say: "Just don't die" and "Git gud, scrub."
Freyja 金
Just found a streamer play Elden Ring with a fucking steering wheel and no armour
Freyja 金
Hari gajian ngerepoti manajer finance perkara reimburse biaya pendaftaran tes kemaren
Freyja 金
Human: (is literally burning) THIS ISN'T GOOD FOR MY AURA!
Freyja 金
I don't get many phone calls unless it's for delivery so it makes me a bit reluctant when I don't hear a specific ringtone. Other ringtones usually mean telemarketers or scammers, but apparently today it's just my friend/co-worker
Freyja 金
Just watched a streamer that is a part of a comedy team on YouTube playing Elden Ring. Someone notified the moderator in chat that the Wednesday video hadn't been released (unusual as they are always on time). The moderator tried to repeat the message, but he didn't read any messages apart from his cast member/bro that has been giving him tips
Freyja 金
Okay, after vegan leather, now we are using the term "simulated leather". Okay.
Freyja 金
I forgot this little dialogue in Richie Rich film:"I'm sorry, sir. It's the president.""Which country?""This one.""Uh, probably needs another loan." Idk but it sent me every time
Freyja 金
Rowan Atkinson in Star in a Reasonably Priced Car | ...The title can't be more British. "Reasonably priced car"
Freyja 金
So, after consistently being told by Netflix to try and watch House MD, I caved in. And I stand by my past statement that I still can't believe that's Hugh Laurie It reminded me of an old comment I came across: "Why aren't there famous British comedians then?", to which I replied, "They went and became world-renowned serious actors."
Freyja 金
Yesterday, I unlocked a new piece of knowledge: some people think that Eurasia means the piece of land that connects Europe and Asia, not Europe + Asia, and some people do confidently say, "Philipines is not in Eurasia, it's in Southeast Asia."In the same vein, some people argue confidently that Catholicism is not Christianity.
Freyja 金
I was so annoyed when I first came back to The Sims 4 after For Rent update because not only it had terrible memory leak, it crashed so frequently if I made the wrong move (like travelling, wtf ). Then, suddenly a few weeks ago, EA announced they would be updating the game with bug fixes. And wtf, it did fix a lot of things
Freyja 金
Starting the day with good news:Photographer Disqualified From AI Image Contest Afte...r winning with a real photo. I misread the title at first as the other way around because that was what happened before. I was confused, I was so sure the photo is real, then I reread it and laughed. Nature fans can tell real photos from AI generated content, but not the other way around?
Freyja 金
Today's mood is Phil Collins didn't need to go that hard for Tarzan's soundtrack, but he did. In several languages.Two Worlds - Phil Collins' Multilanguage - w/ Subs&T...
Freyja 金
Ritual menuju ujian UKBI: wash up, dandan, minum es kopi susu, dan pakai baju cakep. Menjajal atasan yang dikasih kantor buat ultah tahun lalu, dan rupanya, pemirsa, membuat bentuk badan Yang Mulia tampak bantet. Corset to the rescue! Kapan-kapan pake ini ngantorlah, jadi hourglass berjalan
Freyja 金
It's Wednesday and it's raining. I'm so happy right now. I hope I do well in my exam this evening
Freyja 金
Excuse me, Leah? You have sinned, please repent.
Freyja 金
Akhirnya besok ujian UKBI. Hari ini tetiba editor suhu nanya siapa yang udah ujian, ternyata ada teman yang malah sudah bakal ujian malam ini. Lalu ibu QA menimpali, baru tiga orang yang konfirmasi akan ujian
Freyja 金
Yeah, so YouTube tried to redesign their desktop site and it's horrible. I get the idea that they want people to be able to scroll down the comments while watching the video, but what bothers me so much is the video recommendations below. So weird.
Freyja 金
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 is a sequel that I didn't expect and I enjoy more than the first film It's so painfully comical and it's full of puns. The villain is scientist version of Steve Jobs, the MC has a wholesome and strong support system, the story is straightforward but the journey is fun that I didn't care that it's so simple
Freyja 金
The Stealth Archer Was InevitableComplimentary ofThe stealth archer build just worksMe when playing Skyrim for the first time: "Oh, not up for stealth, huh?" I never felt so barbaric
Freyja 金
#TIL It's afdal, not afdol
Freyja 金
Suddenly I think to myself... how did I become the way I am today. How did I become a person that uses mods so effortlessly. Did I ever struggle with mods when I started playing The Sims 4? I'm sure I did, but it's such a distant memory
Freyja 金
ended up starting a new save file for Stardew Valley because several mods are broken and there is no sign of them being updated. It might not be as bad as I imagine, but it's better to start over. I am insane, yes.
Freyja 金
This makes so much sense
Freyja 金
When I bumped into this remix of "I'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund, six-five, blue eyes", I immediately thought of Kaiba, except he probably was not six-five. Nord (@nordycos) • Instagram reel
Freyja 金
Me: sprints around to evade the attacks and survives while plots next attacksScylla and the Sirens: perform an absolute banger which lyrics suggest a violent death for me by their handsHades II - I Am Gonna Claw (Out Your Eyes then Drown...
Freyja 金
((Totally not Disney's Wish rewritten to be a good film)) Yeah, totally Alicia - First 25 Minutes + Bonus Features! (Meet th...
Freyja 金
Sekali lagi berkutat sama UKBI. Malesin banget sih pertanyaan pengecoh, merasa dipermainkan. This is not a course to combat manipulators, this is a course to prepare for proficiency test. Ngeselin bats. Main Hades II buat bersantai dulu. At least kalau mati di Hades tidak karena pengecoh.