最近加州重新檢討 data science 是否可以取代 algebra 2。
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MIT 就是一個畫風和別人不一樣的做自己的學校~
加州數學課綱的改革,牽涉到了 equity 的問題。

“In 2019, 46 percent of Asian high school graduates nationally had completed calculus, compared with 18 percent of white students, 9 percent of Hispanic students and 6 percent of Black students, according to a 2022 study by the National Center for Education Statistics.”

因需要 algebra 2基礎,很多就沒學會,更修不了。
嘻嘻羊 ✿
Data science 是什麼意思,統計學嗎?
嘻嘻羊 ✿ : “In its place, students could take data science — a mix of math, statistics and computer science without widely agreed upon high school standards. “
看起來大概就是用 Python 寫 scripts 跑一下 data 這樣的課⋯?或是用 excel spreadsheet 處理資料?我想用到的統計學應該是比較基礎的吧!

話說其實我也是贊成高中生都應該上上 data science,有個基本解讀數字的觀念,免得投票都不知道要投什麼。

但這科目是不是能取代 algebra 2 我就持保留態度,明明就不同的東西啊。
不過這件事之前因為混合到 equity issue,說採計數學會議拉美裔和非裔青少年不利,所以用 data science 來取代。但現在 CSU(加州州立大學系統)在抱怨學生需要更多補救教學。

其實之前在改課綱的時候,很多加州公私立大學教授也簽了公開信表達意見data science 不能取代 algebra 2。
Math in Data Science
“We write to emphasize that for students to be prepared for STEM and other quantitative majors in 4-year colleges, including data science, learning the Algebra II curriculum (see pp. 77-84 here) in high school is essential. This cannot be replaced with a high school statistics or data science course, due to the cumulative nature of mathematics.
In other words, students who take a data science course as an alternative to Algebra II in high school will be substantially underprepared for any STEM major in college, including data science, computer science, statistics, and engineering.
Such students will need remedial math classes in college before they can even begin such majors, putting them at a considerable disadvantage (for summer opportunities and the ability to earn such a degree in 4 years) compared to peers who learn such material in high school. It is crucial that parents, teachers, and policy makers be aware of this fact.”
嘻嘻羊 ✿
其實我不知道 algebra 2 在學什麼,查了一下,我覺得資料科學是統計的應用,用資料科學來教統計可以,但代替代數不行吧。不過我也不懂美國的學制
嘻嘻羊 ✿ : 根據這篇文章:

Algebra 2 代数2
代数 2 是建立在代数 I 基础上的课程序列。你将学习的主题包括有理数指数、函数、二次函数和复数、线性和二次方程的解、不等式、绝对值方程、多项式、指数、对数 , 和有理函数。