一人太早飛走/The one that flew away too soon 一人懇求死亡/The one that had begged to die 看哪一人難擋死亡/The one that couldn’t stop death 一人繼續等待/The one that has not stopped waiting 一人繼續相信/The one that has not stopped believing 獨自一人默默悲傷/The one that still grieves in silence
Poem about a Crow
荒涼 春日 原野/In a barren springtime field
吶 喊 姊 妹 名 字/Crying her sisters’ names
就 像 天 空 孤 鳥 /Like a bird in the empty sky
一人太早飛走/The one that flew away too soon
一人懇求死亡/The one that had begged to die
看哪一人難擋死亡/The one that couldn’t stop death
一人繼續等待/The one that has not stopped waiting
一人繼續相信/The one that has not stopped believing
獨自一人默默悲傷/The one that still grieves in silence