It always unnerves me to agree with Liz Cheney.
Dakota 🐦‍⬛🪵
potato boyo
it's all in a very narrow range of topics
potato boyo
although considering the shit the GOP has pulled for years, it is a little disingenuous on her part.
potato boyo
When Pence was trying to get out of testifying for the grand jury, I got flashbacks to Dick Cheney using the same Shcroedinger's Branch tactics to avoid testifying to Congress.
Dakota 🐦‍⬛🪵
potato boyo granted she lost her seat in congress though (not that she couldn't come back)
potato boyo
"I am not a death cultist, just a cultural and economic pirate" - compelling campaign slogan
Yeah, it's always weird when someone I don't like says something I agree with. I feel icky.
I know that this may be unpopular but Even though the Cheney family has done a lot of damage over the years I had loads of respect for her during last years hearings
Yes, she has moral courage and strong convictions that she won't abandon for her party.
potato boyo
I totally 100% appreciate that.