Luke Skywanker
[acting] Choosing pro headshots and got my agent's prefs. I'd love to hear opinions and can send more proofs of you'll send me your email.
juliette lives
2 looks more put together imo; you look cute and happy in 1 but the outfit itself is a little less polished; but if you're going for art teacher hippie vibes it's good
I think the second looks more professional but it depends what roles you're going for so the first could work for some too.
The first one is more femme, the second seems more versatile, depending on the roles you're interested in.
Luke Skywanker
Oh these are the two my agent chose, to get both finished
Luke Skywanker
I guess I'm just checking if these look like a good pair
Thicken Nugget
2 looks more like YOU to me
Thicken Nugget
Like one is a lovely picture, and doesn’t not look like you, but also I think doesn’t have your certain ahhh
Thicken Nugget
Thicken Nugget
Luke Skywanker
So the thing is, Melissa really wants one of them to show teeth. So I gave her one option with teeth and that's the one she chose from the smiling ones. I think the other ones where I'm smiling but not showing teeth are way more me.
Luke Skywanker
So I guess the decision I have to make is whether to go with my agent who presumably knows what she's doing, or go with a photo I actually like and feels like me.
juliette lives
I like the teeth smile
Luke Skywanker
juliette lives : thank you!
Luke Skywanker
Thicken Nugget : girl I really admire your ability to spell things totally wrong while being totally understandable
Thicken Nugget
It’s a gift
Thicken Nugget
Seriously, being smart and dyslexic I just was like “fuck spelling use phonetics!”
Luke Skywanker
It works!!
but had I think 2 looks like you but 1 compared to 2? shows range