Freyja 金
Besok jumat ceritanya bakal featured as guest speaker buat bagian perusahaan yang ngurusin les-lesan, pelatihan, dan lokakarya. Ngekek denger seserekan kerja bilang dia bela-belain ikut yoga to butter me up (lmao)
Freyja 金
I mean, I don't mind this, although I have certain fears over my privacy thus I haven't posted anything too specific about me or even show any photos of me in public.
Freyja 金
I tend to fumble through my words because my mouth can't catch up with my mind, so I hope everything will be okay (haha)
Freyja 金
There is no rehearsal or prep scheduled so far, so I'm worried about the technicalities (haha)
Freyja 金
I'm bad at speech. It's almost as bad as how I play Candy Crush (lmao)
Freyja 金
Yes, I suck at playing that kind of games.
((sejele main kendi kras))
Freyja 金
kittensate : It's truth. (lmao)
also semoga lancarrrr (fireworks) (fireworks) (fireworks)
Freyja 金
kittensate : Makasi, Argi-kun
Tembak² Dor⁴
jumat yaa(gyay)