Elite High School’s Admissions Plan May Face Supreme...

話說最高法院可能快要審理大學錄取Harvard and the University of North Carolina 了。
最近有個案例是維州一個菁英高中,錄取標準從看考試成績變成改錄取每個中學的 top 1.5%,在沒有考慮種族的前提下,於是亞裔從七成變成五成,非裔和拉美裔變多了,增進了族裔多元化。
That question grew more concrete last week, when a divided three-judge panel of a federal appeals court allowed an elite public high school in Alexandria, Va., to revise its admissions policy by, among other things, eliminating standardized tests and setting aside spots for the top students at every public middle school in the area.
After the changes went into effect in 2021, the percentage of Asian American students dropped to 54 percent from 73 percent. The percentage of Black students grew to 7 percent from no more than 2 percent; the percentage of Hispanic students grew to 11 percent from 3 percent; and the percentage of white students grew to 22 percent from 18 percent.