Dragons Dragons
silly thought exercise of the day: what are the jobs that city/town settings generally need that no one ever gives their characters
Dragons Dragons
last time we did this we settled on "garbage truck driver"
Hazard Kitten
yeah, sanitation and construction are generally not used.
Hazard Kitten
or pest extermination
I feel like being a garbage truck driver is way more glamorous than being, like, a line cook or a janitor
Lightning Bolt
the guy who sorts the garbage at the dump
decaf coffee
Cleaning crew
decaf coffee
Like, school cleaners or a company that goes to office buildings
Bolt Vanderhuge
I was gonna say sanitation engineer of any sort, and even plumber
Bolt Vanderhuge
Electricians aren't common either
Bolt Vanderhuge
Or people who work on central heating and air or ventilation
Bolt Vanderhuge
Lots of people that you generally don't think about until you need them
pest extermination is actually a really good starting point in Warhammer Fantasy
you get a 'small but vicious dog' in your starting loadout and it's kind of nuts how far that can get you
Walker : if you ignore the sub-20% first-year survival rate for ratcatchers, anyway
this is also true