Wow, to say this man is a piece of shit is an insult to feces. TW: suicide, bullying. Also, I want to get a wee bit better at using TW for at least some of the big stuff. NJ school chief blames Adriana Kuch's suicide on dad...
Wow. What a tone deaf response. This guy needs to fuck all the way off.
Sean Gorham
jfc. "there are two sides to every story" Yes, and I'm sure the girls who bullied her are "very nice people".
Mmw Strangelove
Wow, way to air the dirty laundry. But if school knew all the sordid details, you'd think they'd have been doing more to work with her and help her. That poor little girl.
They care enough to find out all the personal details of the family problems but not enough to help her. :| Fuck them.