(It’s been enough to make me go, “I’m just going to order from domestic stores when I can help it now, the price bump basically makes up for the international shipping/sheer frustration of your box maybe getting stuck in customs”)
But beyond waiting for G-Witch stuff and the couple things in transit, I’m done for a bit. Just had some birthday funds that I had to spend on something like. In person.
mugendramon [sparkle eyes] i have that one in half-done limbo because It's All Grey And Silver so i figured i could get away with hand-painting it. and i think i can, the pieces i've done are nice, but it's A Lot
if i ever find a place where i can use spray paint and find the will to go and set up and do it i feel like i can cut the processing time at least in half
Depending on whenever or if ever my HLJ package ever escapes US customs, I’m probably gonna do Beelzebumon or Omegamon next. Currently working on 00 Command Qan[T]
hit or miss
so I feel like I’d lose a week lost in just painting him to be shinier
Looks good though!