[gunpla/plamo] okay I think I’m set through the winter
Depending on how long it takes any G-Witch stuff to actually come in stock
There is an HLJ box stuck in fucking customs but I’ve reached a zen state of my frustration there
(It’s been enough to make me go, “I’m just going to order from domestic stores when I can help it now, the price bump basically makes up for the international shipping/sheer frustration of your box maybe getting stuck in customs”)
In addition to plenty of Gundam, got a toe dipping into the pokepla articulated kits, Bandai’s SW stuff, and Digimon Amplified.
...but let’s be real it’s all Bandai so it’s all Gunpla in the end.
As well as the looming threat of my first two Master Grades
Sarah 🐑
the digimon kits are so good
But beyond waiting for G-Witch stuff and the couple things in transit, I’m done for a bit. Just had some birthday funds that I had to spend on something like. In person.
Sarah 🐑
I wish I could get a hold of more of them but they sell out so quickly
WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon, and Dukemon (normal versions) are in that wayward HLJ box. :-(
I found Beelzebumon and Omegamon at a shop in TX. They also had Mugendramon but that ones. Daunting.
Sarah 🐑
I have Metal Garurumon and it's really nice
Sarah 🐑
I did some weathering on it with a panel marker and q-tip
Sarah 🐑
need to put it back on display as soon as I build this shelf I bought lol
Sheesh. I know who to come to if we ever discover the Plavsky particle.
Guardian Bear J
What pokestuff?
Guardian Bear J : Mewtwo model kit at the top of that pile under the Star Wars
holo 2024
mugendramon [sparkle eyes] i have that one in half-done limbo because It's All Grey And Silver so i figured i could get away with hand-painting it. and i think i can, the pieces i've done are nice, but it's A Lot
holo 2024
did i say that before...maybe
holo 2024 not a stitch of detail yet, just plain black -> plain silver with a brush, and already it looks pretty sick
yeah that’s kind of my personal fear, Bandai’s metallic injection plastic can be

hit or miss

so I feel like I’d lose a week lost in just painting him to be shinier

Looks good though!
I’ve already been planning to fix Strike Freedom’s gold for a month
holo 2024
if i ever find a place where i can use spray paint and find the will to go and set up and do it i feel like i can cut the processing time at least in half
That’s part of my delay, finding a good place to spray paint is. Difficult. I’d also like to get an airbrush but lmao I have no where to do that
holo 2024
solidarity grip.
For now just been satisfied with using Gundam Markers for panel lining and the occasional little bit of repainting
But my want to go full hog is. Immense.
Depending on whenever or if ever my HLJ package ever escapes US customs, I’m probably gonna do Beelzebumon or Omegamon next. Currently working on 00 Command Qan[T]