Luke Skywanker
[roommate stuff] As you may know I do a fair bit of house sitting. Which means I notice things when I come home you don't notice when you're here. And I'm noticing strongly that we have three cats now.

How do I bring up the the roomie that I can smell the pee when I walk in?
Luke Skywanker
I mean I'm just going to let her know I noticed it, and it's something to think about since I had the opportunity to remove myself and come back
Luke Skywanker
but it is slightly awkward
Luke Skywanker
I'm ok with like, knowing cats live here
Luke Skywanker
less okay with knowing it smells of pee
What kind of litter is being used? Clay can be awful at letting odour build up if there are multiple cats unless you're doing complete changes way too often
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
I use wheat and I love it
Luke Skywanker
I tried to convince her it was good stuff
Luke Skywanker
but she's using clay
Luke Skywanker
but that was before I could smell it
Yeah, that's probably the issue there, then. If she's really set on clay (and hey, some cats are divas about what they pee on) you can put an air purifier near the box and that should help a lot
I have to use clay with some of my fosters, when we usually use wheat, and yeah, it is Notable.
Luke Skywanker
yeah, I think she might be concerned about their tolerance for change.
Luke Skywanker
but while I think it's excusable for the house to smell a little of cat, I don't think I am out of line disagreeing with this level of it
No, totally reasonable.
If she's worried about too may changes too soon, which is also legit, I really do recommend a try with an air purifier first, and then if that doesn't bring it down to a workable level, you've at least tried the option first.
(Also even with wheat I still turn it on briefly when someone takes a crap so foul he has to flee the smell before he can cover it. Michael-cat.)
I use Pretty Litter. It is expensive but Nora was allergic to clay and clumping litter, I am bothered by wheat, so I did skoon and it worked really well, but Nora kicked it out of the box even with the big pebbles. The pretty litter neither she nor I are allergic and she doesn't kick it out of the box.
However, it lasts longer than the bag says it will last.
Yeah, I find Pretty Litter really assumes you do complete changes more often than, like, anyone does
I also liked it when I tried it, but the expense was too much for us, so we're actually using chick starter from a feed store now. Which admittedly felt a little odd, but $20 for a 25 kg bag...
I have many questions about Pretty Litter because four cats and I do a full change about once a week
But we use clay because cheap
Luke Skywanker
I tried pretty litter for a while but I found it was easy to spread around the house, and didn't clump at all which I really appreciate
Luke Skywanker
I don't love that I'm going to have to bring this up, but it's the sort of thing I would want to know if she had been out of the house for 5 days and noticed.
Luke Skywanker
I feel like the wheat I change very seldom
Using a diaper genie (or similar waste bin made for diapers) can also help keep odors contained if you can't take trash out right away, or want to try to spot clean more frequently without taking out the used litter every time.
Luke Skywanker
I have one
Luke Skywanker
it's great
... I never thought of that for a litter box, genius!
Luke Skywanker
So I do a lot of drop in visits, and one house had the wheat litter/litter genie combo and I immediately texted the owner and was like TELL ME YOUR SETUP I NEED THIS
Luke Skywanker
also my friend is actually in the litter genie commercial
Luke Skywanker
But that was my only suggestion that hasn't already been said. You could try walking around the dark apartment with a blacklight just to check that no one is sneaky peeing somewhere that hasn't been noticed, but my guess is it's the clay litter too.
Luke Skywanker
ahh g
Luke Skywanker
yeah I mean
Luke Skywanker
she's been pretty reasonable
Luke Skywanker
I kinda feel bad because she hasn't pushed me on anything YET
And it's reasonable to be reluctant to change a cat's litter! But I'd want to know if there was a pee odor that might be related to my litter choice, because it's probably not good for the cat on top of being a bit gross. I like the air purifyer suggestion if changing litter isn't feasible.
Luke Skywanker
yeah I have a lot of suggestions to offer so that's great! thank you
juliette lives
yeah I'd let her know for sure and suggest maybe making sure they're not peeing anywhere inappropriate so she doesn't feel like it's her choices that are being criticized?
juliette lives
and then if it's determined that they're not you can brainstorm suggestions
Also, if there are three cats, there should be four litter boxes.
Or, at the VERY least, three.
What Gaven said could be the problem, that someone is not using it because to many cats for one box
Luke Skywanker
There are three, in three different rooms
How often are they being changed?
Luke Skywanker
no idea
Luke Skywanker
To be fair: Jenna had surgery on Thursday so I think that might be part of it
I would use clumping if Nora was not so allergic. It makes her scratch endlessly
all of what's been said