It is a struggle over semiconductors — the foundational technology of the information age. The alliance that designs and makes the smartest chips in the world will also have the smartest precision weapons, the smartest factories and the smartest quantum computing tools to break virtually any form of encryption. Today, the U.S. and its partners lead, bu中國
聯盟The alliance that designs and makes the smartest chips in the world will also have the smartest precision weapons, the smartest factories and the smartest quantum computing tools to break virtually any form of encryption. Today, 美國以及其夥伴領先, but中國is determined to catch up — and we are now determined to prevent that. Game on.
聯盟夥伴不相信中國不會竊取知識產權Because China is not trusted by the coalition partners not to steal their intellectual property, Beijing is left trying to replicate the world’s all-star manufacturing chip stack on its own with old technologies. It managed to pilfer a certain amount of chip technology, 從台積電獲得的28納米技術including28nanometer technology from TSMC back in 2017.
美國貿易代表戴琪K Tai上個月與英國新任貿易大臣巴登諾克Kemi Badenoch視訊時,也對中國的「非市場經濟政策和做法以及經濟脅迫」表示擔憂。路透社報導,葉倫在援助團體布列登森林委員會主辦的活動中表示,華府正在努力強化與歐盟和印太國家的整合,包括許多新興市場和開發中國家,同時提升供應鏈的備載能力
美國智庫戰略暨國際研究中心(CSIS)高級研究員艾倫(Gregory Allen)說:「我相信美國政府打算迫使中芯國際(SMIC)和長江存儲等中國這類先進製程的公司徹底關門;不過南韓和其他外商公司在中國的先進製程設施在中國擴展的腳步受阻應有限。」前美國商務部官員、律師事務所艾金甘普(Akin Gump)合夥人沃爾夫(Kevin Wolf)表示,所謂「美國人」可能包括持美國護照或公民身分者及美國公司*