Definitely not a.cult

https://images.plurk.com/2p9GnQ70TTPE0ufYq9Glx2.jpg https://images.plurk.com/79kdaGfxx8ZhbjbFfA7XHG.jpg
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Dear Jesus help us. This is just not to be believed.
this. is. one. paragraph.
I can't even bring myself to read that. The crazy is intense.
If there is a reference to him in the Bible, its in Revelations. See False Prophet, the Beast, Anti-Christ, and 666.
Go to Amazon and search for Trump prophecy
Sean Gorham
DevinVaughn : Exactly. These people are so stupid they don't even realize how thoroughly they've been fooled.
Fire Cracklers
Skittish Turkey
Well sign me the fuck up!
Kalli 180/5000
Oh he's a cult alright...
Kalli 180/5000
♉️ nkaru
Someone’s off their meds
Sean Gorham
I don't think they were ever on any meds to begin with!
Also, Jordan Peterson is a cult leader. And I wonder exactly what about him convinced Harvard to hire him in the first place.
Jordan B. Peterson’s DIY Cult: When Malicious Nonsen...